Ascolto, linguaggi, tecnologie, storia, geopolitica, cultura della radio: emittenti locali, internazionali e pirata • Web radio • radio digitale • streaming music • ham radio • software defined and cognitive radio • radiocomunicazioni • regolamentazione
28 febbraio 2008
XM e Sirius perdono meno, ma devono unirsi
Trasferita in Italia una delle voci di "Radio Odio"
Georges Omar Ruggiu Transferred to ItalySecondo Trial Watch, Ruggiu (nato in belgio da un padre italiano che faceva il pompiere) è stato processato con due capi d'accusa:Georges Omar Ruggiu the only non-Rwandese convicted and sentenced by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) was today surrendered to a high level delegation of the International Police Cooperation Service of the Italian Ministry of Interior. Mr. Ruggiu was thereafter transferred by a special Italian Air Force flight to Italy where he is to serve the remainder of his sentence.
The transfer follows an agreement on enforcement of sentences signed between the Government of Italy and the United Nations on 17 March 2004 and the recent decision of the fourth Criminal Section of the Appeals Court of Rome recognizing the ICTR sentence and authorizing its enforcement in Italy.
Mr. Ruggiu, born on 12 October 1957 in Verviers province of Liege, Belgium worked with RTLM from 6 January 1994 to 14 July 1994, at the time of genocide in Rwanda. He was arrested during the ICTR Prosecutor’s operation codenamed NAKI (Nairobi-Kenya) on 23 July 1997 in Mombasa, Kenya, by the Kenyan authorities. He was immediately transferred to the Tribunal’s detention facility in Arusha, Tanzania.
Following his guilty plea to two counts charging him with direct and public incitement to commit genocide and crimes against humanity, Mr. Ruggiu, a former journalist and broadcaster with Radio Television Libre des Mille Collines (RTLM) was sentenced on 1 June 2000 to 12 years in prison by the Trial Chamber I then composed of Judges Navanethem Pillay, presiding, Erik Møse and Pavel Dolenc.
Mr. Ruggiu was the eighth accused person to be convicted by the Tribunal and the third to plead guilty to charges of genocide and crimes against humanity committed in Rwanda in 1994.
a) direct and public incitement to commit genocide (Art. 2 § 3 lit. c ICTR Statute)Tra gravanti e attenuanti, Ruggiu ha ricevuto una condanna forse più mite del previsto per aver aiutato alcune vittime. Ruggiu si era dichiarato colpevole (potrebbe averlo fatto, suggerisce questo articolo apparso nel 2000 sull'Independent, per evitare che il tribunale acquisisse e facesse ascoltare in pubblico le registrazioni delle sue trasmissioni). In seguito aveva deciso di non fare appello alla sentenza.
b) crimes against humanity (persecution) (Art. 3 lit. h ICTR Statute)
a) Aggravating circumstances: the particularly serious nature of the infractions, the central role played by the Accused, due to his capacity as producer at the RTLM, in the unfolding of the massacres in Rwanda.Sulla pagina di Radio Netherland dedicata a "Radio Odio" trovate un breve spezzone audio dalle trasmissioni di Milles Collines.
b) Mitigating circumstances: the fact that he pleaded guilty, his cooperation throughout the proceedings, the absence of any criminal record, his easy to influence character, his regrets and remorse, the fact that he had played a hand in saving a few Tutsi children, the fact that he neither belonged to the Rwandan ruling elite nor to the decision making body of the RTLM, and finally the fact that he had not participated directly in the massacres.
Anchorman e venditore pubblicitario
Next Up for Mr. Seacrest: Peddling Ads for Radio
By SARAH MCBRIDE February 28, 2008
Ryan Seacrest is already an anchor on E! News; host of "American Idol," "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve" and "American Top 40"; and the morning-drive personality on a top Los Angeles radio station. Now, he's about to come to radios nationwide each day, too. And, if that's not enough, the ubiquitous Mr. Seacrest will be peddling the ads for that show.
In a deal with Clear Channel Communications Inc.'s Premiere Radio Networks unit, Mr. Seacrest's five-hour L.A. radio show will be boiled down to three for use middays and afternoons in the rest of the country. Mr. Seacrest will tape localized comments for each market that syndicates the show.
The deal is most noteworthy, however, for its advertising component. In an unusual arrangement, Mr. Seacrest will own and control a portion of the advertising time on the show. The goal: bringing in some of the sponsors he already has a relationship with on television, with the potential fringe benefit of getting them more interested in radio. He will also sell some of his own advertising on the "American Top 40" radio countdown.
Canada, eutanasia delle onde medie
Das große Radio-Sterben in Kanada
Niels Gründel
Während in Europa über die Digitalisierung des Radios gestritten (und von einigen Ländern auch vollzogen) wird, ist man in Kanada noch längst nicht so weit. In dem riesigen Flächenstaat hat gerade das große Sterben der Radiostationen auf Mittelwelle eingesetzt.
Kanada, das zweitgrößte Land der Erde, hat wenig mehr als 30 Millionen Einwohner. Der Großteil der Bevölkerung konzentriert sich auf die wenigen städtischen Zentren: Vancouver, Calgary und Edmonton im Westen sowie Montréal, Québec, Ottawa und Toronto im Osten. Politisch ist Kanada eine Föderation von zehn Provinzen und drei Territorien, um die ethnische, sprachliche und kulturelle Vielfalt zu gewährleisten. Landessprachen sind überall Englisch und Französisch, wenngleich Französisch in der Hauptsache nur in den Provinzen Québec und Neubraunschweig gesprochen wird. Da Kanada ein klassisches Einwandererland ist, früher kamen die größten Gruppen aus Europa, heute eher aus Fernost. Die Größe des Landes und das Mosaik der Bevölkerungsgruppen spiegelt sich auch in der kanadischen Radiolandschaft wie kaum einem anderen Land der Erde wieder.
Ich bin auf UKW, zeigt mir Euer Geld?
Wer die Großstädte und die ländlichen Regionen bereist, merkt schnell, dass das analoge Radio dominierend ist. Und zwar ganz anders als der verwöhnte Europäer vermutet. Denn was hier zu Lande undenkbar geworden ist, stellt in Kanada die Regel dar: Sowohl UKW als auch die Verbreitung über Mittelwelle werden fast gleichermaßen genutzt. In den Großstädten sind die Frequenzen knapp, aber die Radiohörer wollen in ihrer Muttersprache Informationen erhalten und das kann – etwa im Schmelztiegel Toronto - zu Ausstrahlungen in Italienisch, Kantonesisch oder Portugiesisch führen. Auf dem Land dagegen führen die geringen Sendeleistungen und die großen Distanzen zwischen den Städten dazu, dass die Mittelwelle eine wesentlicher Versorgungspfeiler geblieben ist. Gleichwohl haben auch viele kleine Städte eine lokale Radiostation. Sogar der stets gut besuchte Banff-Nationalpark nördlich der Olympia-Stadt Calgary hat einen nicht-kommerziellen Radiosender mit stets aktuellen Informationen für seine Besucher gleich auf zwei Frequenzen in Englisch und Französisch.
Aus der Not heraus ist aber vor allem die Mittelwelle gefragt, wenn die Reisenden schon in einiger Entfernung der nächsten größeren Ansiedlung begrüßt und unterhalten werden sollen.
Das große Sterben
Bisher wenigstens. Denn in Kanada hat inzwischen das große Sterben von Stationen auf Mittelwelle eingesetzt. Waren es vor zehn Jahren noch knapp 300 Stationen, die über Mittelwelle zu hören waren, so hat sich die Zahl inzwischen etwa halbiert. Genau 178 kommerzielle Stationen hat man zu Beginn des Jahres 2007 gezählt 1. Kingston, Ontario, hat den jüngsten Verlust zu beklagen.
Die meisten Radiosender schwenken um auf eine UKW-Frequenz. Und obschon diese lediglich in den größeren Städten zu hören sind, hat sich deren Anzahl sprunghaft vergrößert. Der Gründe sind banal: Die jüngeren hören keine Mittelwelle-Stationen mehr und so wundert es kaum, dass eine Mittelwellen-Station im Schnitt lediglich 118.000 CAN Gewinn einbringt, während es die UKW-Station auf sagenhafte 659.000 CAN bringt.
73 DAB-Stationen im L-Band
Gleichwohl spielt auch Digitalradio DAB eine Rolle, wenngleich noch immer eine untergeordnete. Offiziell wird der Start der Einführung auf den 1. November 1999 datiert und anders als bei uns nennt sich das neue Radio „Digital Radio Broadcasting“, kurz DRB. Gegenwärtig existieren 73 lizensierte DAB-Stationen in Kanada, davon fünfzehn in der Regierungshauptstadt Ottawa, 25 im Schmelztiegel Toronto, 15 in Vancouver, der „Perle am Pazifik“, zwölf in der weltweit zweitgrößten französischsprachigen Stadt Montréal und sechs in der Grenzstadt Windsor, unmittelbar bei Detroit im US-Bundesstaat Michigan. Überall sind jeweils vier öffentlich-rechtliche Stationen zu empfangen, die Übrigen sind Privatstationen, einige davon waren zuvor lediglich auf Mittelwelle zu empfangen. Insgesamt erreichen die DAB-Stationen in ihrer Gesamtheit trotz geringer Flächenabdeckung rund elf Millionen Einwohner und damit bereits ein Drittel der Gesamtbevölkerung. Dabei setzt man in Kanada ausschließlich auf die Verbreitung im L-Band.
Weitere sieben DAB-Sender arbeiten im Testbetrieb in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Nicht alle lizensierten Sender sind auf Sendung, insbesondere die ersten DAB-exklusiven Stationen in Toronto haben ihren Start bislang immer wieder verschoben.
Task-Force als Mangelverwalter
Sowohl die öffentlich-rechtlichen als auch die Privatstationen hatten sich schon 1992 in der „Digital Radio Research Inc.”, kurz DRRI, zusammengeschlossen, um DAB in Kanada erfolgreich einzuführen. Sogar eine „Task Force” für das Digital Radio wurde gegründet, die dem Industrieminister regelmäßig Bericht erstatten muss und für die weitere Einführung zuständig ist.
Bewusst stellten sich die etablierten Sender vor über zehn Jahren nicht auf den Standpunkt der US-Sender, die ihr profitablen Markt im FM-Band gegen jeden Konkurrenten abschotten wollten.
Doch die DAB-Einführung ist ins Stocken geraten. Ein großes Problem ist - wie in Deutschland nicht anders - dass die Empfänger im Einzelhandel kaum erhältlich sind. Auch im Internet gibt es nur wenige Anbieter, sodass eine Reihe von Kanadiern den beschwerlichen Weg in Kauf nimmt, ihre Geräte sogar aus Großbritannien zu bestellen. Die Auswahl ist dort erheblich größer, doch Radios mit L-Band-Empfang haben Seltenheitswert.
Ein anderes Problem war HD-Radio, das jedoch nur auf wenig Gegenliebe gestoßen ist; sehr viel beliebter ist dagegen die Verbreitung über die Satelliten-Systeme aus den USA: Sirius und XM-Radio.
Mehr Informationen:
Radio Silence
Überraschung: Kanada ohne HD-Radio?
XM-Radio: Teure Aufholjagd in Kanada
27 febbraio 2008
Da Radio Veritas alla stella di sceriffo, Efren-2
Once there was a Radio Veritas Priest Part II
By Carlo Osi
Posted date: February 27, 2008
PHILADELPHIA, USA – From his brief two years at the University of Philippines, his near expulsion from the seminary, his efforts to empower the youth as a parish priest, his rise as a cleric-broadcaster of the eminent radio station, Fr. Efren Dato had been a consistent activist and reformer.
Still a priest after the martyrdom of Ninoy Aquino he was ready to give up his pastoral priesthood and Radio Veritas duties for the communist revolution in the ‘80s. EDSA I made him abandon all thoughts of violent revolution.
In a Philippine Panorama interview in March 9, 1986, Fr. Dato was quoted as saying in a TV appeal that historic February: “The real glory of the people’s revolution lay in the magnanimity of the victors.” Great words from a priest at the forefront of a peaceful revolt, but they would soon be challenged by insistent allegations of corruption in the new government.
He felt betrayed that although Cory Aquino may not have been directly involved in anomalies, the people surrounding her certainly were. It seemed a mere duplication of the Marcos dictatorship, if with more subtlety and less ostentatious greed
Something was obviously wrong in the new government, but there was something equally wrong with the people themselves. Now that previously oppressed members of the opposition were the new oppressors, the subject of oppression had not changed: the Filipino people allowing themselves to be let down. Dato recalls the stinging pain he felt that “the people and the leaders became selfish again. Only if we can have individuals who can graciously sacrifice for the service of the people can real change happen, including change in the Church.”
Though frustrated, his life was not static. Fr. Dato was NBI chaplain and a frequent lecturer at the National Defense College and other government agencies. He was also a parish priest in Pulilan, Bulacan, where he offered free baptism and wedding services, instituted public accounting of funds and empowered lay people to get involved in parish administration.
This priest began turning another corner in November 1991. Resigning from the Pulilan parish, he left for Manila to continue with his full time media ministry and political activities. Eventually he found himself actively campaigning for then candidate Fidel Ramos. When Ramos won, he appointed Fr. Dato Presidential Chaplain and Consultant on Interfaith Issues.
Despite these multifarious activities and appointments, however, a void was growing in his life. He wasn’t sure whether he was spoiling for a fresh challenge or really longing to have a family of his own in mid-life crisis. He also felt that despite a newly elected and credible president, the government and the people were being sucked into the same corrupt black hole that the Marcos years had been.
Fr. Dato suddenly left for the United States in December 1992 the way he abruptly left the UP to enter the seminary in 1969. He was hoping to find a resolution in distant America.
Longing for a Family of his Own
He was assigned Associate Pastor at the St. Thomas More parish in New York. Later, he would also be assigned to St. Raymond Parish in East Rockaway and St. John Nepomucene in Bohemia, both in New York.
A country with an already established democratic system did not have much use for his radicalism so Fr. Dato immersed himself in organizing the parish and outlying communities into a healthy congregation.
Older and calmer now, he also pursued further studies –
a Master of Science in Training & Human Resource Management at the University of Leicester in England, 12 credits in Pastoral Planning & Research in New York’s Fordham University, and the Leadership Education Program in Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.
His impact on the community in his first few years in the United States was summed up by a U.S. Assistant Deputy Commissioner who described Fr. Efren Dato as “a warm, charismatic and respected clergyman, a scholar and human being of rare and special merit.”
But Fr. Efren Dato still wanted a family of his own when friends introduced him to a beautiful Filipina, a recent immigrant working in Information Technology. When they were wed in a civil ceremony in June 1996, many of his former New York parishioners felt betrayed and angered. Thinking he had only fallen victim to the temptations of sex and other material concerns, family and friends shared his parishioners’ antipathy against his decision.
The former priest reflected, “Celibacy is a hallmark institution of the Catholic Church. If you cannot adhere to it anymore, it’s time to get out of the Church and live as a layman. That’s what I did, that’s what I honestly felt. Staying a priest while engaging in extra-marital and illicit sex would have been a grave sin no priest could or may ever be forgiven for.
“I left the priesthood because I respected the gift of celibacy, a vow I could no longer uphold. I respected the Church so much that if I cannot commit anymore to even just one of the priestly vows then I have to terminate my role as a priest. It wasn’t because of a woman or the irresponsible idea that women are temptresses. It’s nothing like that. It was about making a rational choice. Do I want to have a family of my own or not? I chose to have a family.”
Efren Dato’s decision can be contrasted with that of another former priest, the Fil-American Rodney Rodis, recently sentenced by a U.S. District Judge to 63 months in prison for stealing more than $600,000 in donations from the St. Jude Church and Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Louisa County, Richmond, Virginia.
He had used the stolen money in part to support his secret family – a wife and three children. He also used some of the money to wire to relatives overseas who used it to buy real estate.
“Why steal? Why raise a family without telling the Church? Why disobey the vow of celibacy without ending his vocation as a priest? I feel vindicated with my decision in 1996. Now people can say I made the right choice. Better a married layman than a priest with a secret family,” says Efren Dato, ex-priest.
Candidacy for Sheriff
He had entered the priesthood to fulfill his mother’s dying wish in 1968. But his first love was Political Science and he had dreamt of going on to the prestigious UP College of Law and then becoming an NBI Agent.
The call of the priesthood seemed to have snuffed out those dreams. After marriage in 1996, however, Efren Dato felt the urge to return to his boyhood dreams. Too old to re-enroll in Political Science or enter law school, he set his heart on becoming an elected U.S. official, specifically a County Sheriff, in 2004.
The popular image of a Sheriff in old Western movies is a gun-toting, booted, silver badge-flashing officer in a cowboy hat. In modern-day New Jersey, the Sheriff is not an actual police officer but a formal authority in charge of protecting the courts, implementing warrants of arrest, managing jails and, if need be, patrolling the streets and arresting criminals.
The Sheriff position was consistent with Efren Dato’s youthful NBI Agent dream, a “dating paring gustong magpulis-pulisan” (a former priest wanting to play cop).
How he managed to become the Democratic Party candidate for Sheriff in 2004 after becoming a U.S. citizen only in 2001 was a feat in itself. Campaigning on the slogan “New Leadership for New Challenges,” he emphasized that much had changed after 9/11 and society must respond appropriately to these changes.
He cited his past leadership roles and counter-terrorism experience. He banked on his experience as NBI Chaplain, education in Harvard and England, training in Community Policing at the Somerset Police Academy and District Chaplaincy of the Franklin Township Fire District 3.
Nor did Efren Dato rely merely on the Asian vote; many Caucasians and African-Americans voted for him as well. At certain points in the campaign, he also told voters of his former vocation as a Catholic priest, his being a man of God and a man of the people.
At that stage of his uniquely evolving life, Dato’s love for educating and organizing people had not waned. It may have in fact gotten stronger with transplanting to a contrasting environment.
He lost the election but not without a good fight. Contending with a Caucasian and an Italian-American ex-policeman candidate, a Filipino ex-priest, who was also the first minority to contest the position, came in an astounding second to the Italian-American winner, who was both the incumbent and a policeman for 30 years.
Despite electoral loss, Efren Dato had established a strong Filipino presence in New Jersey township society. Belonging to a minority was never a disadvantage; he brandished it like a sword. He also remained a politician in his New Jersey township of Franklin. Now he’s Third Vice-Chairman of its Democratic Party and an ardent supporter of presidential hopeful Barack Obama.
Leadership, Family and Friends
Efren Dato has been Deputy Director of the Office Economic Development in his township and presently manages his own consultancy while serving as Executive Director of Hamilton Street Business & Community Corporation. He is involved in economic development, program planning, budget development, public relations, training and marketing. He also helped establish the Minority Business Alliance and is a Commissioner of the Franklin Township Sewerage Authority.
He says he has no regrets whatsoever in his life. It does not matter to him that he needed to uproot himself from the Philippines to get a balance on things. “I am very content with how my life has evolved … so far,” he says with a chuckle. “I’m proud of my family, especially my daughter who is a blessing from God as she was at one point clinically dead for 20 minutes, spent a month at ICU, and still needs constant medication.
“I’m happy as well with my current accomplishments in the United States, particularly in Somerset County. I’ve done a lot of work, made the Filipino-American and Asian communities proud, and have even run for an elective position which I almost won – well, nearly.”
Four years ago, he was given an Achievement Award by the group Pakistanis for America for assisting them in their concerns. He was also the recipient of a U.S. Census 2000 Award, elected President of the UP Alumni Association of New Jersey, and has been appointed or elected in many other organizations.
Looking back at EDSA I, he says, “Certainly it would have been better if the role I played as an instrument of God himself was accorded better attention, not because I wanted more publicity or awards for myself but because I was doing it in the spirit of humanity and the common good. In the EDSA book of Fr. Reuter, the emphasis was on a lot of personalities – the important ones and also the people who just suddenly showed up at the end. There was a mere one-liner on me.”
He was cited by the Armed Forces of the Philippines with an Outstanding Civilian Award and given a Special Award for Press Freedom by the Rotary Club of Manila in 1986. But he was never considered for an award by the Edsa People Power Commission.
Efren Dato is relatively unknown as a crucial participant in EDSA I today, but old friends, among them his fellow progressive priests, remember. Former President Fidel Ramos, Supreme Court Justice Leonardo Quisumbing, Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim, ex-DOJ Secretary Silvestre Bello and Representative Neneng Nicolas were also principal sponsors of his church wedding in the Philippines December 2007. That wedding was canonically facilitated with the timely arrival of Pope Benedict XVI’s Dispensation that formally allowed a former priest to marry in church. He has long dropped the title “Father” but you can also still see a parish priest in Efren Dato’s face and hear the Radio Veritas broadcaster in his voice.
Quel prete rivoluzionario di Manila

[Il mio post è stato linkato sul sito della società di consulenza di Efren Dato! Thanks, Efren, for having linked my post on your company's Web site, Reading about your own personal history was great.]
Once there was a Radio Veritas Priest
By Carlo Osi Posted date: February 26, 2008 (Part 1)
PHILADELPHIA, USA – Those fateful days in February 1986 now known as EDSA I are glibly remembered as a peaceful uprising that overthrew a cruel, overstaying and money-laundering dictator.
It also rekindles memorable images of Jaime Cardinal Sin, Cory Aquino, Johnny Enrile, Fidel Ramos, June Keithley and Gringo Honasan, all important, popular figures then and now. Media has contributed to cementing their historical image in books, articles, documentaries and clips.
But they were not the only ones who played a vital role in turning the tide against the dictator. Thousands of activists who had rallied, mobilized, organized and gave up their lives in the late sixties and seventies had paved the way. There were the millions who lined EDSA, Channel 4 in Quezon City and other urban areas nationwide, rallying until the Marcos government finally relinquished control.
And there were other, lesser known personalities who contributed tangibly to the fight for a better Philippines. Among them is Fr. Efren Dato whose biography is an amazing journey through all forms of activism – from his student days at the University of the Philippines, young priesthood and struggles as a progressive priest in a highly conservative Catholic jurisdiction, his unplanned venture into Radio Veritas, and eventual self-exile in the United States where he left the priesthood, started a family and ran for public office.
Fr. Dato, now just Efren Dato, is a remarkable source on the history of EDSA I and the years immediately following. His voice, analyses and appeal for peaceful resolution had lent a significant hand in the last days of struggle against the dictatorship - a man of the cloth in a dramatic role at a most critical time.
Brief Activism in UP
His political activism can be traced back to his days at the University of the Philippines in the late 60s. Unrest and dissension under Marcos’s draconian rule swept the country, particularly the state university. Fraternities instituted harsh physical initiations to weed out government infiltrator-applicants from legitimate students wishing to join their ranks. The First Quarter Storm – the mass demonstrations and street protests from January to March 1970 – was brewing.
A product of the public school system, Efren spent two years studying Political Science at the UP. He became a member of a then activist UP Student Catholic Action, a theatre society and, if his memory serves, even a left-leaning fraternity. A year into UP, Dato’s mother passed away unexpectedly In July 1968, with a dying wish for him to become a priest. At her funeral, he openly vowed to enter the seminary. A year later, he left the UP for San Carlos Seminary.
Entering Priesthood
Efren Dato’s transition from UP activism to the calmer setting of the seminary was inordinately difficult. He was still a reformer, even a revolutionary – aggressive, forthright, frank but with amazingly great people skills. He was, first and foremost, an organizer.
The seminary’s conservative doctrinal values were working on him but his activism seeped through. With a band of seminary classmates (later to be known as “The Eleven”), he led a protest against the decision of the late Cardinal Rufino Santos to dismiss five progressive Belgian priests from the Philippines. Intolerant of dissent, Cardinal Santos kicked the seminarian protesters out of the seminary due to “lack of vocation or desire to serve the priesthood.”
This meant that to continue with their priestly studies, adoptive Bishops had to accept The Eleven into his fold. They were scattered everywhere; Dato landed in Malolos, Bulacan. Surprisingly, despite the Cardinal’s admonition but perhaps due in part to the need of more priests in the countryside, he was ordained a priest on his third year of theological studies. In April 1974, only five years removed from UP, he became a priest at 23. He recalls those five years as a rather “short, unorthodox and simply irregular formation for most ordained priests.” He entered the seminary bearing a sickle; he left in a white cassock.
As a priest, he marshaled his efforts on community organizing rather than lead mass demonstrations against Martial Rule. Efren Dato was appointed Youth-Student Director of the Malolos Diocese, assisting the Student Catholic Action of the Philippines. Through these organizations, he was able to use his strong personality and enigmatic charisma to mobilize and empower the youth, as well as attend conferences and training abroad.
As a young priest and organizer in Malolos, his trainees including the future Bulacan governor Josie dela Cruz and the incumbent governor, her brother Jon-Jon Mendoza. While professing love for God in his homilies, Fr. Efren Dato was involved in political transformation in that period’s street protests and political rallies. He believed then that his “priestly ministry included politicizing the people as a constitutive part of evangelizing.”
Voice of Radio Veritas
In the 1980s, actress Nova Villa and the late veteran broadcaster Orly Punzalan were hosts of Radio Veritas, a Catholic broadcasting station transmitting from Fairview, Quezon City. While serving as guest entertainers in a San Carlos Seminary alumni function, they spotted the emcee with a credible radio voice. He turned out to be Fr. Efren Dato and they immediately invited him to be a guest on their radio program.
Guest broadcasting on Radio Veritas appealed to him immensely; it was his cup of tea. In 1981, he accepted the offer to be a full-fledged broadcaster, in time for the Papal Visit of the well-loved Pope John Paul II. Assigned to cover the historic visit, he was stationed close to the Pope as he himself was living at the papal nuncio’s residence.
Without formal broadcasting or media training, he was immediately rose in Radio Veritas ranks as an anchorman, producer and reporter. It even allowed him to take up broadcasting and management courses in Washington, DC, as a scholar in the mid 80s.
Fr. Efren Dato was on board when the EDSA uprising began in late February 1986. It was an ordeal that would forever change his life. He continued broadcasting during those tumultuous days without ever going home, shaving or getting well-deserved sleep.
One of the newsbreaks he broadcast then was the destruction of Radio Veritas’s Malolos transmitter by troops loyal to Marcos on February 23, 1986. Feeling that the Catholic radio station was not only highly critical of him but also moving in consonance with radical fronts bent on ousting him, the besieged President wanted to silence the station’s exhortative messages along with its influential broadcasters.
Angry to his radical core, Fr. Dato sought brief temporary relief from broadcasting lest he spew bitter words and livid outrage against the people shoring up the faltering Marcos regime. Several times he was cautioned by his bishop manager to either shut up or to at least tone down his dissidence. He was temporarily relieved by Fr. Larry Faraon, also a Radio Veritas priest but with a much calmer tone. Returning soon after, a less anxious Fr. Efren Dato resumed his radio voice.
Several times they received phone calls from Malacañang, instructing them to cease sensationalizing Defense Minister Enrile’s defection from the Marcos government. They did not heed these calls, a prime reason for the bombing of the Malolos transmitter.
With the destruction of the transmitter, Radio Veritas they needed another medium to speak the truth and encourage people to go to EDSA. With Lt. Col. Mariano Santiago leading a band of rebel soldiers, Fr. Efren Dato in a white cassock accompanied the raid on Channel 4, the “government-owned” TV station on Bohol Avenue in Quezon City. Gunfire from Marcos loyalist soldiers from inside the station greeted their arrival.
Fr. Dato and the soldiers had no a clear plan on what to do in case they succeeded in liberating Channel 4. All he knew was that “a medium to inform the people and broadcast the truth was of severe importance.” The rebels were able to seize control of the station with minor fatalities.
Fr. Efren Dato did not have the blessings of the Catholic hierarchy at Channel 4 but Channel 4 was an important continuation of Radio Veritas as the battle shifted from radio to TV broadcasting. Again the dictator Marcos threatened to bomb Channel 4 if they did not desist from broadcasting. Fr. Efren Dato, Maan Hontiveros, Orly Punzalan, a bandana-clad Lt. Col. Santiago and the rest of the contingent continued broadcasting.
Crystallizer of Cardinal Sin’s Advocacy
At that moment, helicopters were bombarding buildings along EDSA between Ortigas and Shaw Boulevards where rebel soldiers were strategically deployed. Meanwhile Fr. Dato and his Radio Veritas colleagues knew that bloodshed would ensue if they did not pacify the people. They needed to tell the truth about the actions of Marcos but could not incite people to take up arms and engage in bloodletting.
A key player in EDSA I was also the administrative superior of the Radio Veritas priests – the late Jaime Cardinal Sin. What Fr. Efren Dato and the rest of the broadcasters did was patch interviews with the Cardinal calling for peace and calm amid the storm of protest. They would then repeat his prerecorded voice over and over again. It was this sense of calm from the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church that stemmed the public’s seething rage.
As Cardinal Sin advocated a peaceful resolution of the crisis, Fr. Efren Dato crystallized his advocacy –quoting from the Bible and narrating scriptural teachings to shift a building momentum for violence to love, sacrifice, peace and brotherhood. Even as a radical priest, he knew that a provocative stance would not only counter the Cardinal’s message but also endanger life.
Some time in his UP years, he was tempted to go to the hills and continue the fight for change from there. As a priest in the turbulent 70s, he revisited that option but opted to empower the youth instead. From the radio and TV platform he next mounted, he could have brought back his revolutionary ghost and incited the people to depose Marcos by whatever means. Fr. Efren Dato did not do that. Though his voice quivered with emotion, he toed the Church’s and his own line.
Eventually he would find himself in America, where his radical temper would find new expression, but that’s for another day.
(To be continued)
The author is a Master of Laws candidate at the University of Pennsylvania Law School concurrently undergoing a cross-disciplinary program at the Wharton School. Send comments through
26 febbraio 2008
Nuovo network regionale FM algerino
TISSEMSILT, Bientôt une radio régionale
Par : ABED MEGHITLa capitale de l'Ouarsenis a pour mission d'apporter un peu de gaieté dans les foyers en les informant sur tous les évènements de la ville. Tissemsilt et sa région ont été dotées d'une radio régionale émettant en bande FM.
Elle est venue à temps pour combler le vide culturel et social qui sépare cette région des autres grandes localités du pays. L'arrivée de Mahfoud Menane à la tête de la radio régionale de la wilaya de Tissemsilt coïncide avec le lancement officiel de la mise en œuvre d'un ambitieux projet qui a tant fait rêver les habitants de cette wilaya.
Cette radio est prête pour le jour J pour être en direct avec les auditeurs. La radio régionale de Tissemsilt “arrosera” partiellement la région de l'Ouarsenis, en attendant sa mise en service. La venue de cette radio comblera un grand vide en matière de communication dans cette région, dans la mesure où elle contribuera à lutter contre l'enclavement et l'isolement qui ont toujours caractérisé cette wilaya au relief montagneux et accidenté.
Cette radio de proximité constitue, en effet, un acquis de taille pour cette région qui a brillé par le manque et l'absence de moyens de communication, véritable colonne vertébrale pour véhiculer le progrès et le développement socio-économiques. Par ailleurs, la radio régionale de Tissemsilt prévoit le recrutement de 23 postes d'emploi. Mahfoud Menane, directeur de la radio régionale de la wilaya de Tissemsilt, a enregistré pas moins de 80 demandes pour les postes de journaliste, animateur, informaticien, cadre administratif, comptable et financier, technicien et réalisateur qui devront répondre aux critères exigés, dont une licence dans la filière demandée, ainsi que les agents de sécurité parmi ceux qui ont le niveau de la 3e année secondaire et les chauffeurs. Les premières épreuves des concours seront entamées dès le 1er mars de l'année en cours.
Une effervescence parmi les jeunes universitaires en quête d'emploi devant le siège de la radio locale de Tissemsilt a été constatée ces derniers jours.
Conquistatori delle onde, la storia di Radio Andorra
Radio-Toulouse, Radio-Andorre ou encore Sud-Radio furent de véritables mythes. Il suffit, pour s’en convaincre, de se mettre à l’écoute de la mémoire collective des gens de Midi-Pyrénées : la lueur qu’allume dans leurs yeux la simple évocation du slogan « Aqui Radio Andorra ! », en témoigne avec force. Cet ouvrage nous replonge dans le quotidien pittoresque du Toulouse des années 20 où des hommes sensibles à « l'air du temps » entrevoient, peut être mieux et plus vite que quiconque, le futur prometteur de la TSF. Il nous propose de côtoyer ces pionniers qui vont, grâce à leur immense talent et parfois à des méthodes plus contestables, fonder l’un des empires médiatiques les plus ambitieux du XXe siècle…
La seconde guerre mondiale sera aussi une guerre des radios : nos héros dans cette région frontalière, si riche et contrastée, deviendront vite les acteurs et les otages de cette dramatique période. Vous croiserez alors de terribles chefs nazis soucieux de s’approprier ces puissantes machines de propagande que sont les émetteurs, mais aussi une agent double, délurée, généreuse et intrépide dont il vous sera donné de suivre l’une des périlleuses missions dans les montagnes ariégeoises…
Conquérants des Ondes! L’action vous transportera de la Place du Capitole aux cimes pyrénéennes, des studios de la BBC de Londres à ceux de la CBS de New York, de la Prairie des Filtres au Palais du Luxembourg. Du bureau de Pierre Laval, à la tribune de l'Assemblée nationale auprès d’un François Mitterrand alors ministre de l’information. Aux côtés d’Anquetil et de Poulidor à la lutte dans une descente vertigineuse, ou encore, à bord de la DS présidentielle de Charles De Gaulle...
Et ce sera l’occasion d’apercevoir, sous l’éclairage d’un hommage documenté, cette Principauté d’Andorre des années 40 et 50, bien trop souvent considérée comme féodale. Car cette histoire est aussi celle de la naissance des postes périphériques - ambitieuse parade imaginée par nos aventuriers pour contourner le monopole si cher au gouvernement français - et, au bout du compte, celle de la liberté des ondes… Une affaire d’Etats !
L’auteur aura assurément pris un plaisir communicatif à rendre cet hommage reconnaissant. Fruit d’une longue enquête, cette « chronique historique » s’adresse à toutes et tous. Mais que l’on ne s’y trompe pas: les situations et les dialogues qui nous sont offerts s’ils ont été parfois mis en scène sont toujours inspirés avec une grande rigueur par des témoignages directs ou des documents d’archives. Jusqu’au dénouement. Tragique. Les histoires d’amour finissent mal en général !
Sylvain Athiel découvre au début des années 70 sa vocation pour la radio dès l'âge de dix ans : une visite des « stations périphérique », en Principauté d’Andorre augure alors de ses futurs choix professionnels… Plus tard, il prend part à l'aventure des radios libres et décide de se consacrer pleinement à sa passion. Après une expérience d’animateur et de producteur, il dirige les programmes de Radio France Roussillon, puis ceux de Radio France Hérault. Il rejoint à Paris la Direction des Services Artistiques de RTL. Responsable des émissions extérieures de la première radio de France il arpente le pays avec Fabrice puis deviens le Concepteur-Réalisateur des émissions de Naguiet de Julien Lepers. De retour à Radio France il participe à la création du Mouv’ à Toulouse en tant que responsable des programmes. Pour la Direction des Études de Radio France il s’intéresse depuis 1999 à l’évolution concurrentielle des médias.
Va in onda l'Europa, non l'Italia
Ecco il testo del comunicato stampa in italiano diffuso oggi sul sito (in allegato sono pubblicati gli elenchi delle stazioni aderenti):
L'Europa in onda: avvio di una rete di radio europee
A partire dall'aprile 2008, 16 stazioni radio di 13 paesi riunite in un consorzio e 7 stazioni radio associate potranno coprodurre e trasmettere simultaneamente, giorno dopo giorno, programmi dedicati all'attualità e alla società nell'Europa a 27.
Tra i programmi di questa rete EUROPEA, trasmessi quotidianamente, rientreranno radiogiornali quotidiani, interviste, dibattiti, rubriche di approfondimento, eventi in diretta. Le prime trasmissioni inizieranno nell'aprile 2008.
In un primo tempo verranno utilizzate 10 lingue (bulgaro, francese, greco, inglese, polacco, portoghese, rumeno, spagnolo, tedesco e ungherese), poi gradualmente tutte le 23 lingue dell'UE.
Questa rete – aperta a tutti i tipi di radio, nazionali, regionali, locali, pubbliche o private – va già da "Radio Polskie" a "Punto Radio" (Spagna), passando per "Deutsche Welle", "Radio Netherlands", "Radio France Internationale" e "Radio Slovenia International".
Altre radio potranno aggiungersi, se saranno conformi alle regole definite dal consorzio.
Il carattere interattivo di questo programma quotidiano, la cui durata è compresa tra 30 e 60 minuti, sarà rafforzato dall'avvio di un portale Internet comune nel luglio 2008.
Il 26 febbraio 2008 Margot WALLSTRÖM, vicepresidente della Commissione europea e commissario responsabile delle Relazioni istituzionali e della strategia della comunicazione, ha espresso la propria soddisfazione per il sostegno che la Commissione europea potrà fornire al consorzio europeo delle stazioni radio per una durata di 5 anni a partire dal suo avvio, nel quadro della gara d'appalto del 14.7.2007 e nel più rigoroso rispetto della sua libertà editoriale garantita da una Carta editoriale.
Il 14 dicembre scorso la Commissione ha firmato con il consorzio delle radio coordinato da "Deutsche Welle" e da RFI, vincitore della gara di appalto, un contratto di servizi per un importo di 5,8 milioni di euro all'anno.
I signori Erik BETTERMANN, Antoine SCHWARZ (foto Bernard Revert, da Flickr) e Jan HOOK, rispettivamente presidenti di Deutsche Welle, RFI e Radio Netherlands International hanno sottolineato davanti alla stampa a Bruxelles l'esperienza unica e l'arricchimento che costituiranno i contributi e i punti di vista incrociati apportati dai partecipanti al consorzio per fornire ai cittadini dei 27 paesi dell'UE programmi vivaci e ben documentati sulle questioni relative all'Europa.
Dalla Cina, il DSP da tasca (a 35 dollari)

Una radiolina DSP da pochi dollari? Apparsa sulla lista di discussione SDR_Italia la nuova KChibo "DSP-Rado" D91L (nella foto di sta già riverberando, grazie ad Andrea Borgnino (che ha già pubblicato un primo report), su altre mailing radiantistiche. L'apparecchietto sintonizza le onde medie e l'FM (tra 65 e 108 MHz) e secondo la brochure disponibile online utilizzerebbe un avanzato chip DSP per la demodulazione. Il testo cinese riporta la sigla SDR, ma guardando bene il piccolo schema a blocchi mi sembra che abbiamo piuttosto a che fare con una radio che campiona la media frequenza ed effettua via DSP il filtraggio e la demodulazione, un po' come ricevitori assai più quotati come il JRC 545. E il bello è che il D91L è già in vendita su uno store cinese di eBay, DPmega, dove il prezzo è di soli 35 dollari più 12 di spedizione.
Sarebbe una novità davvero rivoluzionaria perché confermerebbe il sostanziale abbassamento della soglia di accesso a tecnologie radio professionali in una fascia di mercato di massa. Niente che la telefonia cellulare non ci abbia già insegnato, ma se questi chipset riescono ad arrivare a questi livelli di rapporto prezzo/prestazione, forse le prospettive per i sistemi di radio digitale sono da rivedere completamente. No, non abbiamo ancora la radio DRM da 50 dollari di cui parlavo prima, ma questa potrebbe essere la strada giusta. L'unica riserva sul D91L potrebbe essere il limite di una singola media frequenza digitalizzata. Immaginando che il chip possa lavorare sui 10.7 MHz della IF per l'FM, senza downconversion ulteriore, è verosimile che non faccia molto per risolvere il problema delle immagini. Difficile anche capire quali siano i potenziali consumi di questo chip. Però è un vero piccolo colpo a sorpresa.
B, come baracchino e Bluetooth

Un ottimo esempio di ibridizzazione tra vecchi e nuovi modi di pensare la radio viene da Cobra, importante fornitore americano di baracchini CB destinati primariamente ai camionisti. A marzo, in occasione di un salone dedicato a questa categoria professionale, il Mid-America Trucking Show di Louisville, Kentucky, Cobra presenterà un modello di baracchino per i 27 MHz dotato di interfaccia Bluetooth! L'apparecchio è in grado di sincronizzarsi con il telefonino del camionista per instradare le chiamate in arrivo e in partenza attraverso il microfono e l'altoparlante integrati. I guidatori di automezzi pesanti usano frequentemente il baracchino e mi pare un'ottima idea utilizzarne i circuiti di amplificazione e il microfono per usare anche il cellulare "hands free". Il modello Cobra 29 LTD BT costerà 190 dollari, neanche troppo caro.
Cobra Electronics, the market leader in CB radios, today announced a ground-breaking new addition to its long-established and trusted CB radio line. Set to debut at the 2008 Mid-America Trucking Show, March 27-29 in Louisville, the patent pending 29 LTD BT is the first-ever CB radio to offer Bluetooth® wireless technology, providing drivers with yet another way to communicate safely and easily.
With Bluetooth technology, the 29 LTD BT allows drivers a better way to have phone conversations on the road because calls from a mobile phone are synched with the CB radio. A noise canceling microphone allows calls to be heard loud and clear, even over a noisy engine. Incoming audio is routed through the radio’s 5-Watt CB speaker making it easy for the driver to hear the caller. The Bluetooth feature also gives drivers the ability to answer and terminate calls by pushing one button on the CB microphone, allowing drivers to stay focused on the road. The new auto redial feature also allows for one-touch redialing of the last phone number called.
The new 29 LTD BT also offers the tried and true features drivers have come to expect from Cobra. The radio provides instant access to emergency channel 9, as well as tactile controls to allow the driver to feel where the dial is in its rotation without taking his eyes off the road.
The new unit also offers 4 Watts AM RF power output, the maximum amount of power allowed by law. Other features that make Cobra CB radios the preferred companion for professional drivers include Talk Back controls to adjust the desired amount of modulation talk back that is present at the speaker; a channel indicator displaying channel selections in cool blue illumination; Delta Tune to clarify incoming signals; and adjustable Dynamike boost, which increases the microphone’s sensitivity for increased voice clarity.
The 29 LTD BT will be available at travel centers and CB dealers starting in the summer of 2008 for $189.95. Cobra also offers a wide range of CB radios for many professional or recreational uses.
Ionosphere killed the DRM star
Mi prendo qualche minuto per riportare l'estratto che Mike Barraclough ha segnalato sulla lista di discussione dedicata al DRM, Digital Radio Mondiale, prendendolo a sua volta da un report, pubblicato da MT Shortwave, del responsabile della pianificazione delle frequenze di European Gospel Radio. Si è da poco conclusa in Malaysia la periodica riunione del gruppo di coordinamento HFCC, che a livello internazionale assegna, in via ufficiosa, le frequenze in onde corte utilizzate dai vari broadcaster. Secondo il report si è parlato anche di DRM e le notizie, per i fautori di questo sistema di radio digitale, non sono incoraggianti. Sembra che ormai i broadcaster abbiano capito che il DRM rischia seriamente di non uscire mai dalla fase di test, con qualche trasmissione messa in piedi soprattutto per iniziativa del piccolo mercato di costruttori di apparati di trasmissione. Al momento nessun grosso costruttore di apparecchi riceventi ha intenzione di impegnarsi nella progettazione e nel marketing di radio DRM e come ho avuto occasione di dire in queste settimane, un sistema di radio digitale fatto solo di trasmissioni non ha praticamente senso. A meno di bruschi cambiamenti di rotta, il DRM continuerà a vivacchiare con prove che interessano pochissime persone, quasi tutte dotate di personal computer e radio modificate.
Quello che segue è il paragrafo dedicato al DRM, il testo completo del report lo trovate su
[...] Our CEO is just back from Malaysia, where we have been coordinating the next period (summer 2008) frequency allocations for all of our broadcasts at the HFCC . We usually meet twice a year at a different location with all international Shortwave broadcasters, including the BBC, VOA, FCC and many other government and private stations from all around the globe. Advance frequency coordination allows us to operate with no interference, and to be able to make quick adjustments to our schedules in case we suffer from interference from other broadcasts.
From both formal and informal discussions among participants at the HFCC, it is now clear that the proposed DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) system, that would have converted analogue Shortwave to digital, FM like quality reception would hardly be implemented if ever on a large scale, beyond the current experimental stage. In theory, DRM would have allowed listeners in richer nations in Europe and North America to re-discover Shortwave, with a noise free reception in digital quality, using new digital receivers. To make a long story short, the main reason of the demise of DRM is the lack of receivers. After more than three years since the first experimental broadcasts in DRM, no receiver has been produced at a cost and in large numbers to be widely adopted, and there are no plans from any large manufacturer to produce such receivers now. [...]
Come prendere la notizia? Da un lato devo dire che la prospettiva di non avere più quei canali occupati dal rumore digitale (per chi ascolta con una radio analogica il digitale è rumore) mi alletta come DXer, anche se il DRM non rappresenta un grande problema sulle onde corte, dove la stazioni a copertura locale da paesi lontani sono quasi sparite. Resta da vedere che succederà della sperimentazione del sistema in onde medie. Alcuni miei lettori sono convinti che il DRM possa essere una sorta di ultima spiaggia per un medium, le onde corte, che sta rischiando l'estinzione. Ma se è davvero così è una ultima spiaggia irta di scogli e di non facile approdo. Se le onde corte sono andate in crisi, perdendo una fetta sostanziale dell'ascolto nelle aree geografiche più ricche, dove l'FM, Internet e altri mezzi sono un'alternativa più valida, è difficile che il rilancio avvenga digitalizzando trasmissioni rivolte alle zone in cui gli svantaggi del digitale sono più evidenti. Insomma, nelle zone ricche il DRM può al massimo sembrare una tecnologia ridondante e inutile. Nel terzo mondo è una tecnologia bella e impossibile. Le onde corte analogiche - e difficilmente cambierò idea al proposito - avrebbero ancora la loro ragion d'essere e il motivo è molto semplice: dal confronto con le trasmissioni digitali emerge la capacità dell'analogico di garantire, con il compromesso di un po' di evanescenza e qualche rumore, una comprensibilità generalmente migliore rispetto a un DRM che come ogni modulazione digitale che si rispetti funziona in modalità binaria, arrivando benissimo o non arrivando per niente. Tempo fa ci fu una curiosa gara tra radioamatori marconisti americani e giovani armati di telefonino per gli SMS. Il morse è risultato enormemente più efficace per trasmettere messaggi di testo a parità di tempo (e non parliamo dell'occupazione di banda). Il fatto che oggi miliardi di abbonati utilizzino gli SMS e non il morse deriva dal successo dell'industria della telefonia cellulare nel suo complesso, cioè nella disponiblità di tanti terminali utente (l'SMS è stato codificato dagli ingegneri del GSM MoU ma poi sono stati gli utenti a "scoprirlo"). Calato dall'alto in una realtà difficile il DRM non ha mai sfondato e l'industria avrà di che pentirsene perché certe risorse avrebbero potuto essere impegnate per stimolare la riscoperta delle onde corte in un contesto geopolitico di grande complessità. Avremmo potuto spingere per l'adozione del mezzo da parte dei broadcaster e muovere le leve dell'industria dei ricevitori analogici per migliorarne il design e assicurare - si può fare, direbbe Walterone nostro - buoni livelli qualitativi in ricezione. Qualcuno ha deciso di inseguire una chimera digitale per pura imitazione, perché "il resto del mondo sceglie il digitale", ma poco è stato fatto per un inseguimento sensato. C'è ancora il tempo per rimediare? Forse sì, quando c'è di mezzo il silicio uno non può mai dire, magari tra un anno un costruttore cinese ci stupirà inondando il mercato con un miliardo di radioline DRM da 50 dollari. E forse il DRM+ avrà più successo su FM rispetto al suo fratello più anziano. Ma sulle onde corte rimarrebbe una modulazione che alla fine rischia di farci ascoltare un minuto di parlato e cinque di silenzio. Contro la ionosfera, non c'è silicio che tenga.
24 febbraio 2008
Apple, un brevetto "radiofonico" molto intrigante
Apple filed a patent January 9 that describes a method for automatically creating customized podcast mashups from various podcasts.Commentando la cosa su Cluster 21, un metablog francese, Bernard Girard dice giustamente che questo potrebbe essere un modello di radio del futuro. In pratica, scriveTechCrunch, sarebbe l'equivalente audio degli aggregatori testuali RSS. Un approccio che dovrebbe privilegiare i format audio più concisi, più facili da individuare e riorganizzare. Ma che potrbebbe anche mettere in crisi i modelli di finanziamento dei podcaster indipendenti, anch'essi corteggiati dalla pubblicità online. Chissà se Apple, dopo aver reinventato la musica, riuscirà anche a rivoluzionare il modo di consumare la radio.
Here’s the Abstract on the Patent from Apple:
Improved techniques to facilitate generation, management and delivery of personalized media items for users are disclosed. Users are able to influence or control content within a media item being personalized. In one embodiment, personalized media items are podcasts. Users are able to influence or control the content in or with a podcast. In other words, a podcast can be created in accordance with a user’s needs or specifications so that the content within a podcast is customized or personalized for the user.
What Apple is proposing is allowing users to sample/ take portions of multiple podcasts that meet their interests, and download a combined podcast that includes the specified extracts requested. Think like an RSS reader where you get bits from multiple sites, but in audio.
Where it gets more interesting is the way the data is retrieved. The natural assumption is that this aggregates short form podcasts (which it will do as well), but the patent talks about stored podcast characteristics, which may tie-in with Apple’s patent for “Podmaps.” A Podmap is not unlike a sitemap, but obviously for audio, and would specify what was in a podcast when. In theory this new patent could extract audio from a larger podcast per the specs in the Podmap and place that audio in a new custom podcast besides material from other podcasts.
It’s a neat idea, but sampling data from an audio track would bypass things like preroll advertising in a podcast which may undermine the blossoming podcast advertising market. That said if this was to take off, what we would more likely see is more short form niche content that includes the ads, and possibly a downturn in longer podcasts; one hour long interviews don’t make for great sampling in a combined customized podcast as Apple is proposing with this patent.
22 febbraio 2008
Stazioni costiere, il caso Norvegia

· Farsund (kanal 291) UTC: 1215 2315
· Rogaland (kanal 260) UTC: 1215 2315
· Bergen (kanal 272) UTC: 1215 2315
· Florø (kanal 256) UTC: 1215 2315
· Ørlandet (kanal 290) UTC: 1215 2315
· Sandnessjøen (kanal 266) UTC: 1203 2303
· Andenes (kanal 249) UTC: 1203 2303
· Jan Mayen (kanal 277) UTC: 1203 2303
· Hammerfest (kanal 241) UTC: 1203 2303
· Berlevåg (kanal 261) UTC: 1203 2303
· Vardø (kanal 267) UTC: 1203 2303
· Svalbard (kanal 273) UTC: 1203 2303
· Svalbard (kanal 401) UTC: 1203 2303
Viva il Messico della lingue indigene

Inaugura Presidente sistema para subir señal de radio indígena a la red
El Presidente Felipe Calderón encabezó la celebración del Día Internacional de la Lengua Materna y puso en marcha un sistema mediante el cual las 10 radios indígenas podrán subir su señal a Internet a fin de que sena escuchadas en todo el mundo. Acompañado por el director de la comisión nacional de los pueblos indígenas Luis H. Álvarez, el titular del Ejecutivo subrayó la importancia de conservar las diversas culturas con las que cuenta México y especialmente la lengua de cada una de ellas.
El mandatario, al notar la intención de algunos representantes de comunidades indígenas de hacer otras peticiones, improvisó y les cedió el micrófono durante el evento en donde no estaba programado el diálogo con ellos. Uno a uno, el Presidente les solicitó presentaran sus solicitudes y quejas por lo que varios de ellos quienes hicieron uso del micrófono pidieron escuelas electrificación, suministro de agua y proyectos productivos locales, además de problemas agrarios relacionados con las zonas limítrofes. El mandatario, quien también participó en un enlace radiofónico en vivo con una estación ubicada en San Quintín Baja California dijo: “Ponemos en marcha este programa de ecos indígenas para que las radios indígenas o comunitarias se oigan en todo el mundo y que incluso los mexicanos que viven en estados unidos, por ejemplo, pueda oír sus canciones en nuestra lengua, las voces y el diálogo”.
El titular del Ejecutivo indicó que no se puede cerrar la brecha de la pobreza entre los indígenas si no nos reconciliamos con el medioambiente. A Calderón le obsequiaron dos morrales tradicionales, un sombrero de tehuano y se le entregó el bastón de mando de las comunidades indígenas durante su estancia en este lugar.
Nota Publicada: 21/02/2008
Honduras, la radioscuola con 50 mila allievi
22. Februar 2008, Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Mit wenig Geld viele Leute bilden
Radio-Fernunterricht für 50 000 Honduraner
Bildung spielt im westlichen Rundfunk nur noch eine marginale Rolle. In Entwicklungsländern ist dies anders. In Honduras nehmen 50 000 Personen an einem Fernunterricht via Radio teil.
Sarah Jaeggi«Naturwissenschaften, dritter Kurs, Sekundarschule. Habt ihr das Lektionenheft, das Übungsheft, einen gut gespitzten Bleistift und einen Radiergummi bereit? Wir fahren fort mit den chemischen Reaktionen, bitte schlagt auf bei Seite 163.» Joselyn Cavaría sieht ihren Lehrer nie. Sie hört seine Stimme am Radio, einmal pro Woche, auf dem Kanal von Radio América, wo das Honduranische Institut für Radiobildung (IHER) eine Stunde Sendezeit gemietet hat, um die 50 000 Schülerinnen und Schüler zu erreichen, die sich im Fernkurs und via Radio aus- oder weiterbilden. «Unser Traum, ein eigener Sender, bleibt im Moment Traum», sagt Marta Eugenia Soto, die Direktorin von «Maestros en Casa», welche das Programm 1989 gründete, nachdem sie zusammen mit dem deutschen Jesuitenpater Franz Tattenbach bereits in Costa Rica und Guatemala gleiche Institutionen aufgebaut hatte. Die Mittel für mehr Sendezeit oder einen eigenen Sender fehlen, und das Dringendste ist derzeit, den Ansturm der Studierenden zu bewältigen. «Jedes Jahr sind es mehr, wir kämpfen seit bald 20 Jahren einen titanischen Kampf, ohne uns je zurücklehnen zu können», sagt Soto.
1 Million ohne Primarschulabschluss
Neben den vielen Jugendlichen, die sich für die Schule zu Hause einschreiben, ist der Plan EFA (Education for All) ein Grund für die steigenden Schülerzahlen. Mit diesem soll im zweitärmsten zentralamerikanischen Land das Bildungsniveau gehoben werden. Angesprochen werden jene Million Personen zwischen 14 und 50 Jahren, die über keinen Primarschulabschluss verfügen. IHER soll den Plan zusammen mit weiteren Institutionen umsetzen. «Keine Ahnung, wie wir das schaffen wollen», sagt Soto, «aber wir sind gewohnt, im Chaos zu arbeiten.»
Anspruchslos, was die Infrastruktur, kostengünstig, was den Empfang betrifft, ist die Kommunikationstechnik Radio in Entwicklungsländern ein wichtiges Medium, um mit wenig Geld viele Leute zu erreichen. Dank MP3-Formaten können die Lektionen leicht vervielfältigt werden und gelangen so auch in jene Gegenden, die Radio América nicht empfangen können. Lokale Radiostationen nehmen dort den Radiounterricht ins Programm auf, oder die rund 1900 freiwilligen Tutoren arbeiten damit, wenn sie sich einmal pro Woche mit ihren Klassen in Gemeinschaftszentren, Schulen oder Kirchen treffen.
35 Angestellte für 50 000 Studierende
Ein geringer Organisationsgrad und die dezentralisierte Struktur des IHER haben den Vorteil, dass die gesamte Administration sowie Herstellung und Vertrieb der Lehrmittel von 35 Festangestellten bewältigt werden können. Probleme entstehen dann, wenn sich ein Schulzentrum nicht an die Spielregeln hält und – wie in einem jüngst bekanntgewordenen Fall – Tutoren die Lehrmittel zu überhöhten Preisen verkaufen.
Das IHER finanziert sich zu gut 60 Prozent mit dem Verkauf der Unterrichtsmaterialien, der Staat steuert 3 Prozent bei, der Rest kommt von Beiträgen von Nichtregierungsorganisationen. Eine davon ist die Schweizer Stiftung Kinderdorf Pestalozzi, welche «Maestros en Casa» mit Unterstützung der Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (Deza) fördert. So konnte in den letzten Jahren die Ausbildung der Tutoren verbessert und ein Teil der Lehrmittel überarbeitet werden. Obwohl die Fernkursmethode anspruchsvoll ist und die Lernbedingungen oft prekär sind, erwerben 85 Prozent aller Studierenden am IHER einen Abschluss auf Primar-, Sekundar- oder Mittelschulstufe.
Vor allem Städter
Die ursprüngliche Idee, entlegene Dörfer zu erreichen, besteht zwar noch. Heute kommt aber die Mehrheit der Studierenden aus den beiden Millionenstädten San Pedro Sula und Tegucigalpa, weil die öffentliche Schule nicht genügend Ausbildungsplätze bereitstellt, häufig auch weil die Jugendlichen keine Zeit für die Schule haben, da sie arbeiten müssen. Joselyn musste die Schule verlassen, weil sie daheim ihre drei Geschwister betreuen muss, während ihre Mutter arbeitet. So setzt sie sich hin, einmal pro Woche, nachdem sie geputzt, gekocht und die Geschwister gehütet hat, und konzentriert sich, so gut es geht, auf die Chemie-Lektion. «Chemische Mischungen können, wie wir gesehen haben, heterogen oder homogen sein. Heterogen sind sie, wenn wir die verschiedenen Substanzen unterscheiden können, zum Beispiel Öl in Wasser. Schreiben Sie das Wort in den Freiraum bei Aufgabe 4.»
21 febbraio 2008
Cartellino giallo per Padre Rydzyk (Radio Maryja)
A proposito di Gross. Lo storico ha pubblicato, in inglese e in polacco, diversi volumi focalizzati sui rapporti tra polacchi ed ebrei durante e dopo la guerra mondiale. Nel penultimo racconta del massacro di Jedwabne, avvenuto nel 1941, in piena guerra. La storia voleva che a eseguirlo fossero le squadre della morte naziste, ma non fu così. Furono i polacchi a raccogliere circa 500 ebrei e a ucciderli. Alcune decine a bastonate, il grosso rinchiuso in un granaio e bruciato vivo, con il kerosene.
„Radio Maryja“
Widerstand gegen „Pater Direktor"
Von Konrad Schuller, Warschau
21. Februar 2008 „Die kommen zu Ihnen und sagen: ,Gib den Anorak her. Hose runter! Gib her! Gib die Schuhe her!'“ - Der das gesagt hat, ist Polens bekanntester Journalist, der Redemptoristenmönch und Medienunternehmer Tadeusz Rydzyk, „Pater Direktor“ des rechtskatholischen Senders „Radio Maryja“ und der Fernsehstation „Trwam“.
Der aber, der da nach Rydzyks Überzeugung „kommt“, um dem Gläubigen sein letztes Hemd vom Leib zu holen, ist das Zerrbild der polnischen Ultraklerikalen: der „Jude“, der sich mit dem „Deutschen“ über das katholische Polen hermacht, um das Land zu plündern.Hasstiraden gegen das jüdische Volk
Im vergangenen Jahr ist eine heimlich mitgeschnittene Aufnahme dieser Tirade - vermutlich vorgetragen vor Studenten der von Rydzyk gegründeten „Hochschule für Kultur in Gesellschaft und Medien“ - an die Öffentlichkeit gelangt. Rydzyk malt darin nicht nur das Gespenst des gierigen Juden an die Wand, der „65 Milliarden“ aus Polen herauspresst; er wirft der liberalen „Gazeta Wyborcza“ (und damit ihrem jüdischen Chefredakteur Adam Michnik) „talmudistische“ Verlogenheit vor und empfiehlt der Gattin Präsident Kaczynskis, sich der „Euthanasie“ zu überantworten, weil sie Abtreibung nicht bedingungslos genug ablehne.
Diese Suada könnte Rydzyk jetzt zum Verhängnis werden. Die Staatsanwaltschaft in der nordpolnischen Stadt Thorn (Torun), dem Sitz von „Radio Maryja“, hat auf Antrag des Bundes Jüdischer Glaubensgemeinden in Polen ein Strafverfahren wegen Beleidigung des jüdischen Volkes gegen Rydzyk eröffnet. Das ist ein Zeichen: Im seit Jahren andauernden Konflikt um „Radio Maryja“ beginnen sich die Gewichte zuungunsten des Predigers zu verschieben.Antisemitische Ausfälle des Paters
Die Position des Direktors und seines Senders ist seit rund einem Jahr immer heikler geworden. Zwar hat sein unmittelbarer Vorgesetzter, der Redemptoristenprovinzial Zdzislaw Klafka, die Aufnahmen von Rydzyks Vortrag unmittelbar nach der Veröffentlichnung noch als „Provokation“ und „Manipulation“ abgetan. Doch in der Zwischenzeit ist in Kirche und Gesellschaft die Überzeugung gewachsen, die wiederkehrenden antisemitischen und antideutschen Ausfälle von „Radio Maryja“ wögen schwerer als die seelsorgerischen Verdienste des Senders.
Polen macht gegenwärtig eine atemberaubende Öffnungsphase durch, und die Wahlniederlage der von „Radio Maryja“ offen unterstützten nationalen Rechten hat bewiesen, dass immer weniger Menschen sich im steinzeitlichen Dorfklerikalismus des Senders wiederfinden. Seit 2003 ist seine Hörerschaft von 1,28 Millionen auf unter eine Million geschrumpft.Der Papst profitierte lange von Rydzyks Charisma
Aber auch in der Kirche selbst beginnt der Widerstand zu wachsen. Papst Johannes Paul II. hatte Rydzyk noch gewähren lassen. Dessen antisemitische Ausfälle widersprachen zwar seinem großen Anliegen, der Öffnung der Kirche für den Dialog mit dem Judentum, aber die Bindekraft, die Rydzyk auf den Dörfern entfaltete, war für die Kirche ein wertvoller Schatz. Nach Wojtylas Tod blieb die Situation in der Schwebe. Wichtige Kirchenleute, etwa der frühere Sekretär des Heiligen Vaters, Kardinal Dziwisz, kritisierten zwar den Sender, und Papst Benedikt XVI. wies vielsagend auf die Pflicht kirchlicher Medien zur parteipolitischen Neutralität hin.
Da aber die katholische polnische Nationalkirche seit dem Tod Karol Wojtylas ohnehin eine Glaubwürdigkeitskrise durchmacht (die mangelnde Aufklärung ihrer punktuellen Verstrickungen zur Zeit des Kommunismus führte vor einem Jahr zum Rücktritt des Warschauer Metropoliten Wielgus), hat der zwischen Konservativen und Erneuerern zerrissene Episkopat sich lange gescheut, eine weitere Front zu eröffnen und offensiv gegen Rydzyk vorzugehen.Hat die polnische Kirche Pogrome an Juden zugelassen?
Doch hat sich einiges verändert. Polen diskutiert seit Wochen die These des Publizisten Jan Tomasz Gross, der zufolge der auch in Polen immer wieder aufflammende Antisemitismus der Kriegs- und Nachkriegszeit nur deshalb Hunderte von Pogromopfern fordern konnte, weil die Kirche und an ihrer Spitze der legendäre spätere Primas Kardinal Wyszynski das stillschweigend zugelassen hätten. Gross wird zwar von der Rechten für diese Behauptung wütend attackiert, doch die Gesellschaft nimmt zur Kenntnis, dass er alle Anfeindungen publizistisch offenbar überlebt und sein Buch „Angst“ das Zeug hat, zum Bestseller des Jahres zu werden.
In dieser Lage hat sich nun offenbar auch die Kirche zum Handeln entschlossen. Nicht dass Rydzyk auf eine Missionsstation auf Neuguinea versetzt würde, wie es Kommentatoren vorgeschlagen haben; der Redemptoristenorden hat aber nach einer „Visitation“ im Auftrag des römischen Ordensgenerals Tobin beschlossen, „Pater Direktor“ so „einzurahmen“, dass die Kirche von dessen Charisma weiter profitiert, aber seine Ausfälle unter Kontrolle bleiben. Offenbar zu diesem Zweck hat die Warschauer Ordensprovinz Anfang Februar ihren mit Rydzyk verschworenen alten Provinzial Klafka durch den 44 Jahre alten Ryszard Bozek abgelöst.„Wir müssen viel reifer werden“
Dieser weist zwar das Ansinnen, Rydzyk als Senderchef abzulösen, von sich, lässt sich aber mit Andeutungen zitieren, die für polnische Redemptoristen revolutionär klingen. Ohne Rydzyks permanente Feldzüge gegen Deutsche, Juden, Kommunisten und Liberale konkret zu nennen, sagte er, der besessene Drang gewisser Kreise, ständig mit irgendjemandem den „Kampf“ aufzunehmen, sei nicht nur „gefährlich“, sondern auch „krank“.
„Ständig stürzen wir uns im Namen Jesu Christi und der Jungfrau Maria in irgendwelche Gefechte“, stellte Rydzyks neuer Vorgesetzter fest. „Das ist nicht der richtige Weg. Wir müssen viel reifer werden. Nicht nur ,Radio Maryja' steht heute vor dieser Aufgabe, sondern die ganze polnische Kirche.“ Dem „Pater Direktor“ werden die Antennen geklungen haben bei diesen Worten.