Realtime breaking news da Ginevra, via GTalk. Tutti sul blogcast di Andrea B. dal convegno EBU su media digitali e nuovo giornalismo. Per adesso è un servizio sperimentale, basato sui server di Andrea, ma forse l'EBU farebbe bene a svegliarsi, magari fare anche del webcasting dei suoi eventi... La tipa qui a fianco - tra l'altro - è la "capa" del DRM Consortium e lavora per la Beeb.
Jeez, we *are* connected, aren't we? Please Mike, let's webcast meetings such as this, next time. I feel we need a realtime feed from EBU's experts when topics like these are being discussed. Web (and radio) audiences should be able to interact live, too.
A proposito, ecco il programma delle due giornate:
0900 – 0930 Registration
0930 Opening remarks
Jan Hoek (Director-General, RNW, Chairman EBU International Broadcasting Group)
Raina Konstantinova (Radio Director, EBU)
0945 Measuring Success
Guido Baumhauer (Director of Distribution, Strategy and Marketing, DW) - TBC
1015 Successes & Challenges in the Digital Age I
(5mins per presentation + 5mins Q&A)
Moderator: Ruxandra Obreja (Controller Business Development, BBC World Service)
1130 How the Market is Changing
Robin Hamman (Senior Social Media Consultant, Headshift)
Lieven Vermaele (Technical Director, EBU)
1430 The New Journalist
Tim Overdiek (Deputy Editor-in-Chief, NOS)
1500 Panel Discussion on Tri-Medial Journalism
Moderator: Jan Hoek (Director-General, RNW, Chairman EBU International Broadcasting Group)
Michael Mullane (Head of News, EBU Radio Department)
Tim Overdiek (Deputy Editor-in-Chief, NOS)
Rik Rensen (Editor-in-Chief, RNW)
1545-1600 Refreshments
1600 – 1700 Mobiles, the Myth?
Mats Akerlund (Head of New Media, SR)
Alexander Shulzycki (Head of SIS, EBU)
0900 Successes & Challenges in the Digital Age II
(5mins per presentation + 5mins Q&A)
Moderator: Ruxandra Obreja (Controller Business Development, BBC World Service)
1000 Bridging the Cultural Divide
Moderator: Guido Baumhauer (Director of Distribution, Strategy and Marketing, DW)
Hugh Miles (Writer/journalist, UK)
Hosam El Sokkari (Head of Arabic Service, BBC World Service)
1130 Break Out Session
Four questions to be discussed in groups
• Do digital platforms deliver different audiences for you and how?
• Is the internet working for your radio channels
• Commissioning and producing for digital platforms – how are you doing it?
• Interactivity – a help or a hindrance for you?
1230 Closing remarks
Jan Hoek (Director-General, RNW, Chairman EBU International Broadcasting Group)
Jeez, we *are* connected, aren't we? Please Mike, let's webcast meetings such as this, next time. I feel we need a realtime feed from EBU's experts when topics like these are being discussed. Web (and radio) audiences should be able to interact live, too.
A proposito, ecco il programma delle due giornate:
What: International Broadcasting Conference
When: 7th and 8th October 2008
Where: EBU, Geneva
Who: International broadcasting specialists
When: 7th and 8th October 2008
Where: EBU, Geneva
Who: International broadcasting specialists
0900 – 0930 Registration
0930 Opening remarks
Jan Hoek (Director-General, RNW, Chairman EBU International Broadcasting Group)
Raina Konstantinova (Radio Director, EBU)
0945 Measuring Success
Guido Baumhauer (Director of Distribution, Strategy and Marketing, DW) - TBC
1015 Successes & Challenges in the Digital Age I
(5mins per presentation + 5mins Q&A)
Moderator: Ruxandra Obreja (Controller Business Development, BBC World Service)
1130 How the Market is Changing
Robin Hamman (Senior Social Media Consultant, Headshift)
Lieven Vermaele (Technical Director, EBU)
1430 The New Journalist
Tim Overdiek (Deputy Editor-in-Chief, NOS)
1500 Panel Discussion on Tri-Medial Journalism
Moderator: Jan Hoek (Director-General, RNW, Chairman EBU International Broadcasting Group)
Michael Mullane (Head of News, EBU Radio Department)
Tim Overdiek (Deputy Editor-in-Chief, NOS)
Rik Rensen (Editor-in-Chief, RNW)
1545-1600 Refreshments
1600 – 1700 Mobiles, the Myth?
Mats Akerlund (Head of New Media, SR)
Alexander Shulzycki (Head of SIS, EBU)
0900 Successes & Challenges in the Digital Age II
(5mins per presentation + 5mins Q&A)
Moderator: Ruxandra Obreja (Controller Business Development, BBC World Service)
1000 Bridging the Cultural Divide
Moderator: Guido Baumhauer (Director of Distribution, Strategy and Marketing, DW)
Hugh Miles (Writer/journalist, UK)
Hosam El Sokkari (Head of Arabic Service, BBC World Service)
1130 Break Out Session
Four questions to be discussed in groups
• Do digital platforms deliver different audiences for you and how?
• Is the internet working for your radio channels
• Commissioning and producing for digital platforms – how are you doing it?
• Interactivity – a help or a hindrance for you?
1230 Closing remarks
Jan Hoek (Director-General, RNW, Chairman EBU International Broadcasting Group)
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