E' davvero pretty cool, come scrive Tom Webster oggi sul blog
The Infinite Dial, il nuovo servizio che ci permette di "ascoltare" Twitter, imperante piattaforma di
micro blogging. Nato da
GrooveShark, un social network specializzato nella condivisione di ascolto e notizie su nuovi gruppi musicali,
Twisten si interfaccia ai flussi di Twitter e intercetta i post riferiti a complessi, cantanti, brani musicali. L'aspetto davvero intrigante è che Twisten non si limita a intercettare le segnalazioni, ma offre un link diretto alla musica MP3. Infinite Dial lo presenta come uno strumento formidabile, per i direttori artistici delle stazioni radio, per stare al passo dei gusti musicali dei giovanissimi e individuare, e possibilmente anticipare, le possibili tendenze. Fantastico, no? In pratica Twisten è una Web radio con una playlist aggiornata secondo per secondo. con brani musicali usciti letteralmente da poche ore. Mi sa che questa piacerà al buon Bak e non solo a lui...
Twisten.FM Lets You Listen To Twitter
Feb. 13, 2009 by Tom Webster
This is pretty cool: Twisten.FM. If you have used Twitter for any length of time, you know that while the constant river of 'tweets' can be entertaining (and distracting), the real power of Twitter comes from unlocking its search capabilities (search.twitter.com). The ability to search for keywords and phrases important to you, your station and your listeners--and then to subscribe to those search results--is a fantastically powerful way to tap into the zeitgeist of the ever-growing community of Twitter users and to stay on top of trends that haven't even happened yet.
Twisten.FM leverages the power of Twitter search by honing search results only to what people are listening to. By aggregating results from some of the many services that post what you are listening to on Twitter, Twisten provides a real-time dashboard of what your friends and followers are listening to. The service allows you to play the songs being 'tweeted,' tag them as 'favorites' and even send them to someone else.
For now, Twisten is simply a very-well executed scrolling playlist of what your friends are listening to. However, Twisten was developed by Grooveshark, a social music community with a number of compelling features for sharing and listening to music, and I think Twisten's real future lies in its potential to create "friend radio" networks--just as Pandora or Slacker allow you to create custom stations by adding your favorite artists, I can see a day when Twisten allows users to create streaming radio stations by adding their favorite Twitterers--the folks on Twitter who have earned their place with a given tribe as an arbiter of musical taste--and creating a little more space between those little white earbuds for shared experience.
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