Potete trasformare il vostro iPad in un oscilloscopio da 5 MHz di larghezza di banda analogica con una spesa relativamente contenuta - 300 dollari - acquistando lo speciale adattatore per iPhone/iPad della Oscium, modello iMSO (Mixed Signal Oscilloscope)-104.

Le funzioni di misura sono state implementate
attraverso una app, iMSO, che si può scaricare gratuitamente dallo store Apple.
Un tempo impensabili, queste applicazioni stanno rivoluzionando il mercato degli strumenti di misura. L'interfaccia Oscium è resa possibile da un System on Chip della Cypress. Ho pensato fosse interessante incastonare qui il filmato che spiega il funzionamento di questa notevole piattaforma di espansione.
Oscium's New iMSO-104 Oscilloscope Powered By Cypress's PSoC 3 Device Turns iPod touch, iPhone and iPad into Easy-to-Use Mixed Signal ScopesPSoC 3 Handles Apple's Proprietary Interface For iOS Devices While Processing Incoming Analog and Digital Signals for Intuitive Scope System That's Both Affordable and PortableSAN JOSE, Calif., April 6, 2011 – Cypress Semiconductor Corp. (Nasdaq: CY) today announced that Oscium has selected the PSoC 3 programmable system-on-chip for its revolutionary new iMSO-104 mixed signal oscilloscope for iPod touch, iPhone and iPad. The PSoC 3 device in the iMSO-104 seamlessly manages the two-way communication between the oscilloscope and any iOS device via Apple's proprietary dock connector, and also processes the incoming analog and digital signals.The iMSO-104 from Oscium is the first mixed-signal oscilloscope that leverages Apple's ubiquitous iOS devices. It is the smallest, most portable scope in the world, making it the ideal solution for hobbyists and students, as well as field sales and application engineers. It boasts a 5 MHz bandwidth and up to 12 MSPS (megasamples per second) sample rate, while simultaneously analyzing up to one analog and four digital signals. In conjunction with the iMSO app (available for download from the Apple App Store) and Apple's intuitive multitouch user interfaces, brilliant displays, and computation power, the iMSO-104 delivers the easiest, most intuitive scope solution on the market. The iMSO-104 sells for US$279.99. More information is available at www.oscium.com.Oscium engineers were able to quickly and easily interface to iOS devices using Cypress's CY8CKIT-023 PSoC Expansion Board Kit For iPhone & iPod Accessories – a plug-in board to Cypress's CY8CKIT-001 PSoC Development Kit. The kit streamlines design of innovative mobile accessories using the flexible PSoC programmable system-on-chip architecture. It leverages Apple's iOS operating system and its corresponding SDK (Software Development Kit) to provide a two-way communication interface between apps and connected accessories.
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