449 euro. O 649 franchi svizzeri sul negozio online Digiradio.ch. Sembra che TechniSat sia finalmente riuscita a mettere sugli scaffali la sua MultyRadio, ricevitore commerciale compatibile con DAB e DRM, annunciata all'IFA di Berlino del 2007, prevista in negozio nell'ottobre di quell'anno e finora risultata "missing in action". Questo è il comunicato stampa ufficiale.
Riceve tutto (tranne il DRM+, il sistema che ha qualche chance di successo, e il successore del DAB, il DAB+: sono due limiti vistosi e non so se sono in parte compensati con la possibilità di aggiornare i codec via software, temo che sotto ci sia sempre il solito, stracotto modulo DAB/DRM di Radioscape). Ma, 449 euro? E' ancora più caro del Sangean DRM40 che non ha mai visto la luce commerciale.

Riceve tutto (tranne il DRM+, il sistema che ha qualche chance di successo, e il successore del DAB, il DAB+: sono due limiti vistosi e non so se sono in parte compensati con la possibilità di aggiornare i codec via software, temo che sotto ci sia sempre il solito, stracotto modulo DAB/DRM di Radioscape). Ma, 449 euro? E' ancora più caro del Sangean DRM40 che non ha mai visto la luce commerciale.

Radio von Technisat entgeht nichts
Technisats "MultyRadio" empfängt analoge Signale wie UKW/MW/LW/KW sowie DAB (Digital Audio Broadcast) und DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) gleichermaßen. Für DRM unterstützt das MultyRadio die Übertragungsmodi A, B, C, D und empfängt damit auch Interkontinental- und Tropensender. Nach dem Suchlauf sind die Radiosender aus allen Empfangsbereichen in einer gemeinsamen, alphabetisch geordneten Programmliste zu finden. Dreht man den Aluminium-Regler an der Front, kann man bequem durch diese Liste scrollen und seine Senderwahl über einen Druck auf den Regler bestätigen.
Die integrierten Boxen mit einem 5 Watt Stereoverstärker erzeugen einen guten Klang. Über einen Kopfhöreranschluss kann man seine Lieblingssendungen auch ohne störende Außengeräusche genießen.
Über den integrierten SD-Kartenleser lässt sich das Modell um SD/MMC Speicherkarten erweitern. Auf diesen kann der User auch digitale Radiosendungen aufzeichnen und abspielen. Das MultyRadio unterstützt die Formate MP3 und WMA (Windows Media Audio). Es erkennt eine eingesteckte SD/MMC Karte automatisch und stellt sie durch ein entsprechendes Symbol auf dem Display auch für den Nutzer sichtbar dar.
Aufnahmen können von Hand über die REC-Taste oder komfortabel über Aufnahme-Timer gestartet werden. Letztere ermöglichen es, bis zu zwölf Programmereignisse zu definieren, die einmalig, wöchentlich, täglich, werktags oder nur am Wochenende zu bestimmten Uhrzeiten aufgezeichnet werden. Auch ein Sleeptimer und eine Weckfunktion sind vorhanden.
Zur Inbetriebnahme verbindet man das MultyRadio einfach mit der häuslichen Stromversorgung. Daraufhin startet automatisch ein Sendersuchlauf durch alle verfügbaren Bänder und der erste gefundene Kanal wird eingeschaltet. Über den Aluminium Dreh-/Drückregler kann der User sofort auf eine Liste aller gefundenen Sender zugreifen.
In der Mitte des Gerätes befindet sich ein blaues LC-Display mit 128 x 64 Pixel zur Anzeige von Sende- und Titel-Informationen sowie eines übersichtlichen Onscreen-Menüs. Links und rechts davon lassen sich die wichtigsten Funktionen wie Lautstärke, Sendersuchlauf oder Aufnahme zusätzlich direkt über Tasten steuern. Dazu gehören auch sechs Kurzwahltasten, die Radiofavoriten jederzeit schnell erreichbar machen.
Das Multyradio von Technisat misst 450 x 140 x 210 mm und wiegt ohne Netzgerät 2.400 g (mit Netzgerät 3.500 g). Es geht für 449,99 Euro (UVP) ab sofort über die Ladentheke. (DE)***
TechniSat MultyRadio: Worldwide reception for analogue and digital radio programmes
The new TechniSat MultyRadio is a universal worldwide receiver that not only supports analogue reception technology such as FM/MW/LW/SW tuners, but combines this with their digital successor standards DAB (Digital Audio Broadcast) and DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale). It comes equipped with multimedia functions such as the recording and playback of digital radio broadcasts or music in MP3 format by means of an integrated card reader for commercially available MMC/SD memory cards, the MultyRadio provides an elegant combination of conventional radio reception with state-of-the art digital technology. The new radio receiver by TechniSat is available with immediate effect.
Reception on all bands and frequencies
No matter whether you choose analogue broadcasts via the FM. Medium wave, long wave or short wave bands, or digital broadcasts via DAB or DRM – the high-quality receiver tuner of the MultyRadio allows you to listen to just about any radio station broadcast over the airwaves anywhere. In terms of DRM, the MultyRadio supports broadcasting modes A, B, C and D – this means the universal receiver will pull in even intercontinental stations, or those located in the tropics. Following an initial programme scan, all radio stations in all bands and frequencies are listed in a single, alphabetically sorted programme list. If you rotate the aluminium dial on the front of the unit, you can scroll conveniently through this list, and can confirm your selection of station simply by pressing on the same dial. The integrated loudspeaker boxes are driven by a 5 W stereo amplifier, providing outstanding sound quality. Of course, you can also enjoy your hobby in the solitude provided by headphone listening.
Multimedia included
The integrated SD card reader supplied with the MultyRadio means material can also be sourced from SD/MMC memory cards. These cards allow you to record and play back digital radio broadcasts, among others. In addition to playing back recorded radio broadcasts, the MultyRadio also supports digital music in MP3 or WMA format (Windows Media Audio). When a SD/MMC card is inserted, it will be recognised automatically, and will be indicated to the user by means of a corresponding symbol on the display. Recordings can be started manually using the REC key, or can also conveniently be started using the recording timer. This function allows the user to define up to twelve separate events, which can be recorded on a once-off basis, or weekly, daily, only on workdays or only on weekends, at specified times. A sleep timer as well as an alarm clock function are also provided.
Easy to operate
Operating the MultyRadio is simple and uncomplicated. To operate the MultyRadio, simply connect it to your domestic mains power supply. A programme scan will be started automatically, taking in all available bands, the first channel found will then be selected and played. You can immediately access a list of all stations found, using the aluminium push-and-turn dial. A blue LCD display is located in the centre of the unit, showing programme and title information, as well as the user-friendly on screen menus. To the left and right of this are keys for direct adjustment and control of, e.g. sound volume, menu, programme scan or recording. Also located here are six programmable quick-select keys, providing fast access to your favourite radio stations. The push-and-turn dial located below the display allows you to move quickly and conveniently through the user-friendly list menus.
2 commenti:
159 euro qui sarà matto quello che da 500 euro per uno radio
Se MultyRadio utilizza il modulo RadioScape visto a bordo della prima generazione di ricevitori, il prezzo ridotto a un terzo rispetto a quello del lancio non deve stupire. RadioScape ha attraversato brutte vicissitudini finanziarie e ora quel modulo dovrebbe essere uscito di produzione. TechniSat chiaramente non è riuscita a piazzare molte radio al prezzo originario, ma ora sta facendo una scommessa un po' azzardata. Il discorso cambia se i componenti sono altri...
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