Nel ricordare che domani, 17 febbraio, a Ginevra si apre il Digital Radio Summit 2010 organizzato dall'EBU, vorrei segnalare un altro evento che si terrà a marzo. Dopo la chiusura del NAB Europe l'evento sulla radio europea organizzato dalla National Association of Broadcasters americana, lo scorso anno, un gruppo di imprenditori danesi prova a rilanciare la formula con il Radiodays Europe 2010, in programma a Copenhagen dal 18 al 19 marzo prossimi. Tutti i dettagli sull'evento, incluso i costi di partecipazione, si trovano sul sito Web ufficiale.
Da notare che tra gli speaker chiamati a dire la loro sul presente e il futuro della radiofonia sul nostro continente, insieme a nomi già noti ai miei lettori (James Cridland, Nick Piggott, Mark Ramsey) c'è anche quello di Filippo Solibello di Caterpillar. Il suo intervento verte sul pubblico giovanile della radio.
Ecco una selezione dei titoli degli interventi con i loro relatori:
Da notare che tra gli speaker chiamati a dire la loro sul presente e il futuro della radiofonia sul nostro continente, insieme a nomi già noti ai miei lettori (James Cridland, Nick Piggott, Mark Ramsey) c'è anche quello di Filippo Solibello di Caterpillar. Il suo intervento verte sul pubblico giovanile della radio.
Speakers from 15 countries at RADIODAYS EUROPE in March
Speakers from 15 countries are now confirmed for Europe´s most important meeting point for radio – Radiodays Europe, taking place in Copenhagen 18-19 March. A range of toplevel radio executives are among the speakers – including Tim Davie, BBC - as well as leading media futurists, car manufacturers, experts in consumer psychology, advertisement, new media and content development.
- This is not yet another media conference. Radiodays Europe will be a meeting point for commercial and public service radio as well as having an impressing program with several themes that address the challenges for radio today and in the future, says Project Manager Anders Held. Radiodays Europe will appeal to everyone who wants to know what´s new in radio programming, audience research and radio across all platforms, as well as new business models for radio.
Trendwatchers and Media futurists
What are the latest trends in media and consumer behaviour that will affect the radio business? The Belgian trendwatcher and consumer psychology expert Herman Konings will look at the global trends influencing the “consu-human”, different trends in different generations and trends in consumer psochology. The Swedish anthropologist Katarina Graffman will reveal interesting observations from studies of how and why young connected people of the iPod generation use their radios in their everyday lives. Finally media futurist James Cridland, UK, who has been exploring the world of radio from Asia to the USA this winter, will give his report on global trends in radio and new media.
Mark Ramsey, USA, will give an overview and analysis of where American radio is heading today and Joan Warner, Commercial Radio Australia will tell her story of how the country Down Under is doing on its road to digital.
Digital radio, radio in mobile phones and “on the road”
To get to digital, radio needs a European roadmap. Leading broadcasters from France, Germany, Britain and Norway will be discussing the way forward. You will also learn about internetradio, interactivity, new ways to deliver radio over the web and how radio can use social media. The future of radio in cars and in the mobile phones will be discussed in separate sessions. Mobile phones are perhaps the most important gadgets in people’s lives and they are getting increasingly advanced. Mark Jefford-Baker, Business Development Manager at Ericsson Multimedia, will talk about new technological developments as well as what consumer behavior can be expected. It will be followed by a discussion with telecom operators, broadcasters and mobile service developers.
The trend researcher Sven Tollmien, TrendONE, Hamburg, will give a visionary perspective on the prospects of in-car-entertainment. BMW’s manager for personal Entertainment, Dr. Michael Weber, will give the car manufacturer’s perspective and Dr. Marcus Heitmann, Deutsche Telekom will speak about in-car-services from the viewpoint of the telecom industry. Rainer Biehn from Bayerische Medien Technik will look at how different technologies can be combined to produce remarkable results for radio as well as media users.
Creativity and content on the agenda
To get good content, you need good ideas and have ways to nourish creativity and find new ideas. Luckily there are effective methods to find ideas, develop creativity, create great team spirit and get the best out of everyone within a radio organization. Jens-Uwe Meyer, a leading German expert, will lead us through the process. Two of the greatest mornings shows in Europe will be presented by their producers: Rachel Mallender, producer of The Chris Moyles Show (BBC Radio 1, UK) and Marc Haberland, producer of Arno & die Morgencrew (RTL Berlin, Germany) will go “behind the shows” and say “Goodmorning Europe!” in a session focusing on the work behind the success of a morning show.
Another session focus on how to “catch the ears” of the young audience, including cases from Britain, Italy and Germany.
Brains, Brands and Sales
Two new research studies on advertisement effectiveness– from Germany and the UK – are revealing new insights about the strengths of radio as a medium and will be presented at Radiodays Europe. The German study implies that that radio ads can increase the purchase response, although radio is used only as a background medium. The British study shows how radio is a highly efficient method of multiplying a brand’s online presence.
Copyright or copywrong?
An issue of increasing importance to the radio industry is the rights management and the cost to compensate record companies, performers and others. The prevailing system is challenged by the internet and the online environment. What can be done to reform the system and what do broadcasters and the international music industry think about possible solutions that could benefit all? Christian Hauptmann, RTL Group Deputy General Counsel, Lauri Rechardt, Finland, representing IFPI, the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry and Per-Helge Sörensen, DR, Denmark will give you an overview of the options. The conference will be opened by Tim Davie (Director of BBC Audio & Music) and Christophe Montague (CEO of NRJ International) who will speak about “The Future of Radio”.
RADIODAYS EUROPE – the new European radio conference taking place in Copenhagen on 18th and 19th March 2010 – is supported by leading radio industry organizations such as EBU, AER, egta, URTI and World DMB Forum. Other partners include Radio Academy, UK and the media conferences Le Radio, France and Medientage, Germany.
The full program is now available on www.radiodayseurope.com
Ecco una selezione dei titoli degli interventi con i loro relatori:
Radiodays Europe 2010 Program
The Future of Radio
Keynotes by Tim Davie, BBC and Christophe Montague, NRJ
Copyright or copywrong?
Christian Hauptmann, RTL and Lauri Rechardt, IFPI
Where is European radio heading?
In-car media: The future role of terrestrial radio “on the road”
Sven Tollmien, TrendONE (D), Dr. Michael Weber, BMW (D), Rainer Biehn, Bayerische Medien Technik (D) and Dr. Marcus Heitmann, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories (D)
Radio in the mobile: Golden opportunities?
Mark Jefford-Baker, Ericsson Multimedia and telcoms, broadcasters, service developers
Good Morning Europe!
Rachel Mallender, producer The Chris Moyles Show (BBC Radio 1, UK) and Marc Haberland, producer Arno & die Morgencrew (RTL Berlin, Germany)
Double Your Annual Local Advertising Revenue in 1 Week!
David Barker, Business Development Director, NRS Media (UK)
Know your audience: The European Consu-human
Trendwatcher Herman Konings, Belgium
Seven secrets of creative radio
Tony Hertz (UK)
How to develop great ideas?
Jens-Uwe Meyer (D)
New creativity for online delivery
Swedish Radio and Los40Principales, Spain
Hybrid radio is coming!
Nick Piggott, Global Radio (UK), Michael Reichert (SWR, Germany) and Domenik Born, Switzerland
Audience Research: Where is radio in the lives of the iPod generation?
Katarina Graffman, anthropologist, Sweden
Catching the ears of the young − what´s new?
Geoffrey Goodwin, BBC Switch (UK) and Filippo Solibello, Italian Radio 2, RAI
Open mike: Talk show hosting and personality
Digital roadmap for Europe
Radio Plus – a sunshine story from Down Under
Joan Warner, CRA Australia
Audio – at the core of multiplatform storytelling
Thomas Plessis, Lagardere and Philippe Chapot, Tendanco, France
Radio, social media and user-generated content
Jem Stone, BBC (UK) and James O´Brien, ABC, Australia
Global trend watch: Radio from around the world
James Cridland, UK
The American Way - Radio in the land of Apple & Google
Mark Ramsey, USA
The Online Multiplier − How radio advertising boosts brand browsing online
Mark Barber and Jason Brownlee, UK
Brain, Brands and Sales
Martin Scarabis, Germany
Why radio works
Host: Stefan Möller, Finland.
Creating the No 1 station
Case study: Antenna Zagreb, Croatia
Goran Kurjak, Juraj Hrvačić and Luka Bulić from Antenna Zagreb, Croatia, will tell their story – how they struggled and what they have accomplished.
Audience Research: What can we learn from electronic measurement?
Production In Sight
Bart van Gogh, NL
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