Alla fine ci deve essere stato qualche ripensamento perché Radio Polonia ha deciso di attivarsi per produrre mezz'ora di programma quotidiano in yvrit, in ebraico, la cui prima trasmissione è stata irradiata domenica 25 a quanto sembra da un relay in Germania (ironia della storia) su 9.695 kHz alle 18 UTC. Stavolta Targalski, intervistato dall'emittente nel breve articolo che riporto dal sito della stazione (grazie della segnalazione a DXLD), ha usato toni molto diversi, riferendosi alla millenaria storia della comunità ebraica polacca. L'indirizzo della pagina Web della redazione è il seguente. A titolo di curiosità, questo link porta alla notizia dell'avvio dei programmi apparsa un mese fa sul portale della comunità ebraica polacca.
The Hebrew Section of Polish Radio External Service has finally started broadcasting its half an hour daily transmission.
Joanna Najfeld reports 26.03.2007
The program of the Hebrew section of Polish Radio External Service, inaugurated on Sunday, March 25th, at 18:00 hours UTC, consists of a news from Poland bulletin and magazines on Polish-Jewish relations, as well as life, traditions and culture of the Jewish community in Poland.
So far, Polish Radio External Service has been broadcasting in Polish, English, German, Russian, Belarussian and Ukrainian. An additional Esperanto service has been operating online. We asked Deputy Chairman of Polish Radio, Jerzy Targalski, why it is that Polish Radio decided to set up a Hebrew section and not an Italian, French, or Spanish one.
'Because we have one thousand years of common history with Jews. The other reason is international. Poland and Israel are the best friends and partners of the United States. We are in the first line of the war against Muslim fundamentalism and radicalism.'
Deputy head of Polish Radio External Service Adam Burakowski was happy to see the Hebrew transmissions finally kick off:
'This is a common project of Polish Radio, Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Jewish community in Poland. We are very proud that we broadcast in Hebrew and we hope that these programs will help contribute to improving Polish - Israeli relations.'
Michael Hermon, the new head of the Polish Radio External Service Hebrew Section, sees his work as an occasion to popularize Polish-Jewish issue worldwide:
'When I heard about this project, I thought that this is a great opportunity to give more information to our listeners in Israel about Jewish communities, about Poland, to let them know that there are people who are very much interested in the Jewish culture.'
Miriam Gonczarska, one of the journalists at the Hebrew section, says the program will be rich in content and form:
'The program itself is half and hour a day. It's enough time to give basic news from Poland and the European Union, maybe even from Russia, because there are a lot of Russian Jews in Israel. There will also be economy, as there are a lot of investments of Israeli capital in Poland and also very close economical relations between Poland and Israel. Also information, interviews, talks with different people who are connected to the Jewish culture in Poland, people who are very important to Polish public. We are going to have information about Jewish communities in Poland. And we're also going to have five minutes of a commentary of how the current text of the Torah is related somehow to Polish - Jewish life.'
The Hebrew Section hopes to reach out to a wide array of listeners, adds journalist Miriam Gonczarska:
'I think we want to show Poland, things Jewish in Poland, Polish - Israeli relations. Also, remember that there are huge amounts of people who are not Israeli but who do speak Hebrew, we are also open to them.'
And the audience is invited to take an active part in the shaping of the Hebrew broadcasts:
'We very much hope that the audience itself, the listeners, will help us to figure out what they really want. They're going to call us, hopefully, and contact us and we are very open. We really want to listen to what they have to say and they will ask us questions and maybe argue with what we said. And then that will make it clear to us, in which direction to go with the next programs.'
Polish Radio External Service Hebrew Section broadcasts everyday at 18:00 hours in the shortwave spectrum on 9695kHz with repeats on satellite the following day.
If you are fluent in Hebrew and would like to try your hand at journalism, the Hebrew section is open to cooperation. For more information, please contact Polish Radio.
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