04 ottobre 2010

Insignia: HD Radio tascabile di 2a generazione

Vi è piaciuta la prova su strada di Christian Diemoz alle prese con la sua economicissima Insignia NS-HD01, ricevitore tascabile HD Radio digitale e FM/RDS? Allora preparatevi perché prima o poi avrete anche la prova della seconda versione della radiolina digitale Insignia, il brand esclusivo del sito di e-commerce Best Buy. Insignia ha presentato il prototipo della NS-HD02 a Washington, in occasione della manifestazione RadioShow 2010. Ovviamente, il dispositivo non poteva non avere uno schermo touch e una maggiore disposizione alla visual radio. L'arrivo è previsto su Best Buy per la fine dell'anno, a un prezzo intorno ai 70 dollari. Chissà che il software questa volta non consenta di effettuare i passi di sintonia almeno a 100 kHz, evitando il problema della NS-01, inchiodata sullo "step" americano di 200 kHz.

2nd Generation Insignia Portable HD Radio Receiver Unveiled– the Insignia NS-02 portable HD Radio receiver was on display at the HD Radio exhibit in the Radio Show “Marketplace.” This receiver is the successor to the NS-01 Insignia model with significant improvements including a new 2.4 inch LCD color touch screen interface and the introduction of three exciting new features:

•The Artist Experience –designed to add visual entertainment to the digital audio and data services HD Radio Technology already delivers. Features include: transmission of album art (shown in left photo) as well as images linked to advertisements. These images can be synchronized to the audio but must be transmitted 30 seconds or more in advance of the audio being synchronized to, so that they are available in the receiver for viewing at the proper time. Once viewed, the images are purged to make room for future downloads;

Live pause –allows for digital audio on an HD Radio main or multicast channel to be paused for up to 15 minutes, similar to the live pause feature on some satellite radios and the Apple iPod nano.

Bookmarking –similar to tagging except that rather than synchronizing to a music purchase service like iTunes, the listener can store information about music within the receiver for later retrieval.

•The Insignia NS-02 will be available later this year through Best Buy; suggested retail price has not yet been announced but it is expected to sell in the $70 price range.

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