13 maggio 2014

Contro la radio pubblica greca "in nero": domani la radiomaratona degli ex dipendenti ERT

Prosegue malgrado l'apertura ormai ufficiale del nuovo operatore radiotelevisivo NERIT, la lotta dei giornalisti e dei lavoratori dell'ente pubblico greco ERT, costretto a chiudere i battenti lo scorso 11 giugno con una decisione governativa che non ha precedenti nella storia dei governi democratici elettivi europei. Domani, mercoledì 17, al mattino presto e per 24 ore, il sindacato dei "ridondanti" dell'ERT POSPERT promuove una maratona via radio di cui questa mattina è stato annunciato il programma (la traduzione è di Google Translate, la versione inglese è la più attendibile):

Press conference on the support of 24hours Radiomarathon, [to be] held Wednesday, the 14th / 5, gave at noon today and the POSPERT ERTOPEN offices of IFJ
The interview was attended by journalists of television reportage while absent, as expected, these large assemblies for years supporting policies mnimoniakes silencing those who resist.
Their support in Radiomarathon offered:
The Radio Station "In Red" 105,5 FM with all parts of the network. Station represented the candidate MEP Alexandra Christakaki.
Music Radio Station Atlantis FM 105.2 , which will be regularly associated with the emission of ERTOPEN and relaying our daily program from 14:00 to 15:00.
The Radio Station employee of Halkida, 96,5 FM, with regular connections and broadcast our program from 13:00 to 19:00, as everyday.
And other free radio stations today have expressed interest.
Also attended: President POESY George Savvides, General Secretary of the IFJ Marilena Katsimi, President of hand, Dimitris Kamarinopoulos and members of the Board. During the interview, the committee presented a detailed plan programming Radiomarathon. The event ended with the Way of Manos Loizos, who played the accordion his fellow musician Chris Zerbinos. The POSPERT thanked all participants for their presence.

Il seguente manifesto della "Maratona contro il Nero" spiega come in questi ultimi undici mesi i giornalisti dell'ERT hanno continuato a informare attraverso l'FM e online sul sito ERTOPEN. Vengono menzionate anche le onde corte dell'impianto di Avlis, che dal giorno del blackout non ha praticamente mai smesso di trasmettere. Ecco la schedule riportata proprio oggi da Ivo Ivanos (orari UTC):

from 1300 on  9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek
from 1300 on  9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek
from 1300 on 15630 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek

Immagino che la radiomaratona venga ripresa anche su queste frequenze (altre ne sono state segnalate nella banda dei 41 metri). Sul sito NERIT ho trovato invece una pagina con le frequenze utilizzate per irradiare i due canali radiofonici ufficiali, il Primo e il Terzo programma.

Radiomarathonios against "In Black"
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
We, the 'redundant' workers of ERT, which resist the coup padlock of June 11, 2013 and not succumbed to blackmail and terrorism of the government, we continue our fight for the reopening of the sole public broadcaster that is none other than the ERT.
We continue with passion and conviction for democracy, culture, objective information on our dignity institutions, values, ethics and against mnimoniakes policies that manipulate the media in order to manipulate the consciousness of the Greek citizen.
The government's memorandum and proponents of "cut" for the country and Hellenism, throwing black only bridge in the country the "Voice of Greece".
Eleven full months produce voluntary program of self-managed FULL free ERT, all! radio programs of ERT in Operating transmitted through ERT3 (Radio & T / C), online from ERTOPEN, patterns and unique: First, Second, Third, Era Sports, World, Voice of Greece, promoting culture and information from the FM via peripheral EPA throughout Greece and shortwave to update our Greek community.
Continue and emit in the black and then we add color to our cause in spite of many, because it keeps us alive solidarity in the world, our debt to mnemonic policies, the constitution, the institutions, values ​​and libraries but 10 dead our struggle for the final victory.
One purpose steeled our faith that we will win and we will win.
TOGETHER with society the role of helmsman and beyond mongers, selfish, saboteurs, disruptors and their fellow travelers who play the game of government.
TOGETHER we want and we can! Outside mechanisms and employers - government minions! All the struggle and fight with dignity, fairness and consistency in our class debt, isolating their abusers, their sycophants, the saboteurs!
On 14 Maiouse cooperation with the RED radio stations and those who respond to the call of our organizing radio marathon to raise money which will meet immediate needs, such as maintenance of transmitters, and offices of Studio ERTOPEN, electricity, phones, transmission costs and production broadcasting program, consumables etc.
All together, in solidarity, without artificial divisions without isolationism, armed with the right us. We call upon all democratic citizens to support our struggle because democracy, dignity and the right to work concern us all.
To prevent the selling off of all social GOODS AND SERVICES
To overthrow undemocratic-fascists - ILLEGALLY-anti-labor legislative decrees AND LAWS
& We Can Beat &'ll win
Spread - support - participate.

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