04 febbraio 2013

EBU: più integrazione tra modelli broadcast e broadband

Roland Beutler, tecnologo presso l'emittente regionale tedesca SWR, ha pubblicato per l'EBU un breve saggio sulle possibili forme di integrazione tra sistemi di distribuzione broadcast e broadband. In "Broadcasting in a world of changing electronic communication" l'esperto parte da una semplice constatazione: le formule di accesso ai contenuti multimediali attraverso infrastrutture radio di tipo non-broadcast si moltiplicano e guadagnano il favore degli ascoltatori. Ma ragioni tecniche ed economiche spingono anche in favore del mantenimento di modelli più tradizionali, in cui il contenuto continua a essere irradiato da una sola antenna verso bacini di utenza molto popolosi. Ci vuole però più collaborazione tra i due modelli. Le conclusioni di Beutler sono tre: spingere perché vengano ritardate le aste delle frequenze ex televisive a favore di operatori telefonici; favorire in Europa l'adozione di sistemi di ricezione di standard radiotelevisivi come il DVB o il DAB direttamente da parte dei costruttori di smartphone (come avviene in Corea); stabilire forme di collaborazione più strette tra gli stakeholder in gioco, in modo tra l'altro di creare un contesto in cui le frequenze un tempo riservate al broadcast possano essere destinate a impieghi più ibridi, senza ricreare situazioni di esclusività. Il documento EBU può essere scaricato qui.

1) WRC-15 preparation and influence on spectrum allocation
Some European mobile operators are pressing for the 700 MHz band to be auctioned off as soon as 2016. However, if this happens shortly after WRC-15 then the auction process will certainly not take into consideration the need to use this band for the delivery of nonlinear broadcast services. Rather, similar to the auctions in the 800 MHz band, the spectrum will be used for traditional IMT networks. Then, calling for cooperation between broadcast and mobile networks will most likely not be successful.Therefore, broadcasters should:
· Lobby their administrations to propose, at WRC-15, postponing the allocation of the 700 MHz band in the Northern part of ITU Region 1 to an appropriate date. This can be
achieved by virtue of a corresponding footnote; and
· Lobby administrations on a European level to postpone the auctions of the 700 MHz band spectrum to a point in time when the concepts for cooperation between broadcast and
mobile networks are mature in order to prevent it being used only for traditional IMT services. Alternatively, if auctioning is envisaged at an early stage, conditions for the usage of spectrum should be imposed which would enable cooperation between broadcast and broadband networks at a later point in time.

2) Integration of broadcast receivers in smartphones and tablets
In some markets this is already reality, such as Japan and Korea. It is important to investigate what regulatory and economic conditions there are. What are the differences and, if such integration proves to be applicable for Europe too, develop a strategy to lobby for this at a European level.Furthermore, in other regions of the world, such as Mexico for example, there is a serious debate about this issue going on. Typically, regulators base their decisions on the feedback received during corresponding consultation processes. Broadcasters around the world should carefully monitor any such activities and participate in associated consultation processes if possible.

3) Development of technically feasible options for network cooperation 
Broadcasters should actively engage in the development of technological options for cooperation between broadcast and broadband networks. Several activities in this area are already underway which are associated with what is called “Dynamic Broadcasting” or “Overlay broadcast and cellular mobile networks”. Broadcasters should decide to actively participate in this research. Also, it would be beneficial to convince the EC to support such activities at a European level. It is important in this respect to consider a wider range of broadband technologies beyond IMT (for example Wi-Fi) to ensure optimal usage of resources such as spectrum and network infrastructure.

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