27 ottobre 2011

Pure, musica in abbonamento sulla radio Internet/DAB. E Nokia segue con MIx Radio per Win Phone

Ieri, per il lancio dei suoi nuovi Windows Phone, Nokia ha annunciato l'ennesimo app musicale e l'ennesimo servizio per l'ascolto "social" della musica, Nokia Music con Mix Radio. Su questo annuncio aspetto di conoscere ulteriori dettagli, anche perché a Nokia World, la manifestazione ancora in corso a Londra, i responsabili di Nokia Music hanno ammesso che non tutti gli accordi di licenza sono stati perfezionati, in attesa della disponibilità commerciale degli smartphone Nokia Lumia. Sappiamo per esempio che «Nokia Music (is) introducing MixRadio, a free, global, mobile music-streaming application that delivers hundreds of channels of locally-relevant music. In an update delivered later this year, Nokia Lumia users will also gain the ability to create personalized channels from a global catalogue of millions of tracks. Also integrated in Nokia Music is Gigfinder, providing the ability to search for live local music for a complete end-to-end music experience, as well as the ability to share discoveries on social networks and buy concert tickets also coming in the Nokia Music software update delivered later this year.» Sembra di capire che Mix Radio sarà un servizio stile Pandora, orientato però alla scoperta della musica locale con una interessantissima estensione che riguarda la possibilità di individuare i concerti live e acquistare i biglietti per parteciparvi. Ma la vera sorpresa (che fa capire la complessità della questione licenze) è che Mix Radio dovrebbe essere a costo zero, senza costi di abbonamento.
Non dev'essere proprio un caso se Pure, il noto costruttore di radio digitali DAB/Internet, ha scelto di datare 26 ottobre il comunicato stampa che annuncia la nascita di Pure Music. Anche in questo caso si tratta di accedere a brani musicali in streaming in modo illimitato, però su abbonamento, poco meno di 5 sterline al mese al momento solo per i consumatori residenti in UK e a partire da dicembre 2011. Attraverso il portale The Lounge, gli abbonati potranno utilizzare Pure Music attraverso il computer, il telefonino e su otto apparecchi radio Pure abilitati alla Internet radio.

The revolutionary new way to discover, explore and listen to music

London, UK 26th October 2011: PURE, the world-leading radio maker, presents ‘PURE Music', a cloud-based on-demand music service that allows the user to discover, explore and listen to millions of music tracks through any of PURE's wide range of internet-connected digital radios, a smartphone and a computer, all for a monthly subscription of £4.99.

PURE Music will go live in the UK during December 2011 and people can register their interest at www.thelounge.com/puremusic
PURE Music allows the user to organise and play as many tracks and albums as they want on multiple devices, including PURE's range of eight internet-connected digital radios (ONE Flow, EVOKE Flow, Oasis Flow, AVANTI Flow, Sirocco 550, Siesta Flow, Contour and Sensia), PCs and Macs via the PURE Lounge internet radio and media portal (www.thelounge.com) and on smartphones running the PURE Lounge app.
Says Colin Crawford, PURE's director of marketing: "Whether you are into chart hits or would prefer a trip down memory lane, PURE Music is the perfect service to allow you to find music and listen to individual tracks, full albums, or even mixtapes perfectly matched to your mood. PURE Music is now at the heart of all of our internet radios, making it child's play to find and enjoy any music you want directly on your favourite listening device. Forget the hassle of downloading and ripping - just search and enjoy."
PURE Music also incorporates PURE Tag, PURE's unique, free, tagging service which lets users bookmark tracks they hear on the radio, and subsequently explore around those tracks via the powerful search and recommendation facilities of the PURE Lounge, to discover more about the artists and their back catalogue, podcasts, or even branch out and discover similar and related artists.
Tracks or albums can simply be dragged and dropped into playlists which are automatically kept synchronised across all of the user's PURE Music listening devices. Playlists can also be shared via social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
The PURE Lounge iPhone and Android App are currently free of charge to all and will allow PURE Music subscribers to access any music they want on the move provided they have a WiFi connection or 3G reception. Users of the App can also enjoy PURE Music and content from the PURE Lounge through a speaker dock.
The PURE Music subscription service will go live to UK customers during December through a free software update and will be rolled out internationally during 2012.

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