19 maggio 2011

DAB+ adesso anche a Budapest

Anche l'Ungheria si unisce alla lista delle nazioni europee che cercano un rilancio della radio numerica DAB+. Dal primo giugno il carrier Antenna Hungária, dal 2007 appartenente al gruppo francese TDF (che lo aveva rilevato da Swisscom, acquirente nel 2005) coprirà il 25% del territorio della capitale Budapest con il multiplex sul canale 11D della banda III. I contenuti sono forniti dal gruppo commerciale FM1 Zrt. con i programmi del brand NE0FM.
Si tratta di un nuovo pacchetto di programmi rispetto a una sperimentazione DAB iniziata nel 2009. Qui in Italia continuiamo evidentemente ad avere altre priorità e la copertura DAB+ ristagna senza alcun sintomo di movimento rispetto a un quadro consolidato alla fine del 2009. La promessa espansione della scorsa estate, in coincidenza con il piano di switchoff della televisione analogica, non si è ancora concretizzato.

Digital terrestrial radio will be relaunched in Hungary - Antenna Hungária contracted for the DAB+ transmission of NeoFM program

Monday, 16 May 2011

The DAB+ service will be relaunched in Hungary thanks to the long-term commercial contract between Antenna Hungária Group and FM1 Zrt. Based on this landmark agreement, NeoFM, the nationwide commercial radio channel will appear on the digital terrestrial radio platform as of June 1, 2011.

Antenna Hungária Group and FM1 Zrt. concluded a long-term commercial contract for the transmission of NeoFM nationwide commercial radio channel on the digital terrestrial radio (DAB+) platform. Pursuant to this, the digital stereo radio program of NeoFM will be available in the digital terrestrial radio offer as of 0:00 AM, June 1, 2011, on the Multiplex ’A’ (222.064 MHz). The digital service can be received in and around Budapest with more than 25% population coverage.

"We are very proud that, after the appearance on the MinDig TV digital terrestrial television platform as of last August, we are the first radio channel in Hungary to contract for the digital radio transmission service too. NeoFM, as one of the most important players of the radio market, trusts in the digital future of radio, and AH has provided in the contract a market adapted answer to our digitalization need. Hence, the establishment of NeoFM’s ’digital radio presence’ is exemplary not only for our radio, but for the overall Hungarian radio industry" – emphasized Tamás Grósz, CEO of FM1 Zrt.

"We welcome the decision of FM1 Zrt., as one of the most decisive player on the radio market, to participate actively in the digitalization process. It is a significant breakthrough, that NeoFM is the first radio to join the digital terrestrial radio platform based on a long-term commercial contract which constitutes a landmark for the radio market and enables us to relaunch our DAB+ service. This is happening while Germany is relaunching digital radio with a DAB+ service to be started in the coming months, leading to the emergence of a mass market of receivers in Europe, both for home and in-car receptions. As a consequence of this, we expect in the near future very favourable trends regarding the variety and price of the DAB+ enabled receivers in Hungary, too. Moreover, as set in the Media Law, we expect the Hungarian Radio also will join by contract to the DAB+ platform and would expect the other main radio players to follow suite in the coming weeks " – highlighted Jean-Francois Fenech, CEO of Antenna Hungária.

1 commento:

  1. Ciao Andrea,
    sono stato in svizzera per lavoro di recente. Diversi Cantoni hanno ormai la doppia trasmissione in FM ( analogica + DAB ) ed ho contato circa 12 emittenti FM DAB fra Canton Ticino e Cantone Jura. Mi sono recato quindi in un supermercato e le radio DAB sono a prezzi veramente popolari !!Sebbene anche da loro siano ancora presentate come " La radio del futuro " hihi

    73 de ik2nbu Arnaldo
