03 marzo 2011

Radio digitale ibrida al salone dell'auto di GInevra,

I visitatori del celebre salone dell'automobile, apertosi oggi a Ginevra, potranno prendere parte a una sperimentazione di radio digitale ibrida allestita dall'EBU con la collaborazione dell'emittente commerciale Rouge FM e dell'operatore Swisscom, che ha allestito un multiplex DAB+ che copre i padiglioni della fiera. La ricezione dei programmi può avvenire con ricevitori DAB+, adattatori DAB come il recente auricolare Nokia e anche con ricevitori ibridi sintonizzati sulle frequenze FM, grazie al sistema RadioDNS.

Hybrid digital radio services at the Geneva International Motor Show

Geneva, 2 March 2011- At this year’s Geneva International Motor Show, the EBU has built a hybrid digital radio service together with Rouge FM radio, a commercial radio group in Switzerland and Swisscom Broadcast, the main operator for radio/TV broadcasting in Switzerland.
Rouge FM has put together a specific digital radio station for the show on a temporary DAB+ multiplex using Swisscom Broadcast infrastructure. The EBU has provided technical expertise and has adapted its open source visual radio production platform to provide a visualisation service on DAB+ and RadioDNS.
Swisscom has worked with Nokia to adapt their DAB+ headset for Symbian mobile phones to display slides associated to radio programmes, making them clickable to follow web links associated with the slides. In addition to this specific programme, other radio stations are present in the multiplex. In particular car manufacturers, who expressed an interest, have their own dedicated channels. The stations can be received in cars fitted with digital radio, on mobile phones with DAB+ adapters, other portable DAB+ devices and the public can also see the result on home receivers displayed on a stand.
This trial is an opportunity to show advanced digital radio services in the largest independent motorshow in the world. Cars are the major listening environment for radio outside the home, and the availability of digital radio as standard in cars is a key enabler for successful digital radio services. Importantly, these services showcase a commercial broadcast group extending their brand with thematic and event stations as well as providing an enhanced experience through new visualisation services.

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