03 febbraio 2011

transmediale festival di Berlino: radio protagonista

Al festival transmediale.11 di Berlino, dedicato alla digital art e appena apertosi nella capitale tedesca dove sarà in corso fino a sabato, sarà protagonista anche la radio degli attivisti e quella digitale open source. In questo momento e fino alle 4 del pomeriggio, Mathias Coinchon dell'EBU parla degli mmBtools, messi a punto dalla CRC, per la trasmissione DAB "software defined" accessibile a tutti.
La giornata di apertura del festival, il primo febbraio, ha visto in calendario due seminari: Radio Tactics e Radio Magic. Ieri è stata la volta di Test Signals, un progetto che avvicina gli aspetti politici, artistici e pratici dello spettro. Gli eventi sono stati organizzati da SourceFabric, una organizzazione giornalistica indipentente che ha messo a punto una piattaforma open source per la calendarizzazione e la remotizzazione della stazione radio (il progetto Airtime).

On 1 February 2011 transmediale.11, festival for digitial art and culture, opens its doors at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin. Visitors gain insight into the latest developments of digital art and culture through audiovisual live performances, film screenings and open studios. For the first time in the history of transmediale an artificial intelligence takes part at the festival.
As a very special opening guest Derrick de Kerckhove will introduce Angel_F, an evolutionising spyware entity, at transmediale.11’s opening night. Furthermore Canadian artist Herman Kolgen presents his newest work, the video projection DUST (2011), for the first time ever in Germany. Kolgen – who likes calling himself an “audiokinetic sculptor” – sees this piece in reference to Man Ray’s famous photographic piece, Élevage de poussière, (Dust Breeding, 1920).
Immediately afterwards the workstations and open studios of artists like Heath Bunting and Christin Lahr will be launched at the Open Zone and in the HacKaWay – these are participatory projects addressing the Open Web and its culture. The artist and filmmaker Reynold Reynolds premieres his cycle The Secrets Trilogy in full length as a 3 channel video installation; its third part, Six Easy Pieces (2010), which is based on the book Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of Physics explained by its most brilliant teacher by legendary physicist Richard P. Feynman, even being a world premiere. Reynold (de)constructs film as a perfect synthesis between art and technology in reference to a time when artists and scientists were still moved by similar concerns, not seldomly in personal union.
The American artist Paul Vanouse is best known for his performative installations und molecular biological live labs. In his performance Latent Figure Protocol he experiments not only with his own DNA but also with the genetic fingerprints of “wanted criminals”. Another highlight are the modified Braun Tube televisions which Japanese artist Ei Wada uses as musical instruments and light synthesizers for excitingly rhythmical performances. The DJ session by Crowd vs the DJ with Christopher Doering & Jay Cousins will be followed by a performance of the American multimedia artist and “videomusician” Gabriel Shalom who will round out the evening with a set of audiovisual compositions on the Café Stage.


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