15 dicembre 2010

Pure Sensia, con l'RSS il teletext arriva sulla radio

Pure Technologies ha rilasciato una nuova versione del software del suo ricevitore digitale ibrido Pure Sensia, introducendo una nuova app dedicata alla lettura dei feed RSS alle applicazioni per Twitter, Facebook, Picasa e Meteo già in dotazione. E' un novità importante per questo ricevitore capace di sintonizzarsi su trasmissioni FM analogiche e DAB+, nonché su migliaia di stazioni radio presenti su Web, offrendo inoltre l'opportunità di interagire con i contenuti e i social network di Internet attraverso uno schermo a interfaccia tattile. Grazie al supporto dei formati RSS sarà possibile costruire su questo schermo una pagina e continuamente aggiornata con le notizie dai blog e dai siti preferiti, un teletext personalizzato che un normale televisore digitale "non connesso" non è in grado di offrire. Grazie al supporto della tecnologia RadioDNS, Sensia è compatibile con i futuri servizi ibridi delle stazioni, analogiche e digitali che adottano questo stesso sistema. Grazie ai metadati diffusi via RDS, RadioDNS consente infatti di trasferire verso un ricevitore radio connesso simultaneamente a Internet in Wi-Fi, servizi visuali come "Slideshow" (normalmente disponibile solo su segnali DAB) anche associandoli a trasmissioni analogiche FM.
Sensia fa parte di un catalogo di ricevitori digitali FM/DAB+ che Pure ha appena iniziato a commercializzare in Italia con FNAC e Unieuro.

PURE launches RSS reader app on Sensia

Major software release delivers new features

London, UK 14th December 2010: PURE, the world-leading radio maker, announces a major software release for Sensia, its internet-connected radio with colour touchscreen. The new software release includes an RSS reader app and delivers additional functionality to Sensia’s Facebook and weather apps, slideshow support for FM stations and significantly enhanced overall performance.
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated information - such as blog entries and news headlines - in a standardised format.
The RSS reader app allows the user to view RSS feeds on Sensia delivering the latest information from their favourite websites. Recommended feeds can be browsed or the user can search for a feed by name and add it to their list of feeds. Articles within the feeds can then be selected individually and read. Recommended feeds are in the following categories: news, finance, sport, arts and entertainment, and tech news, and will feature the likes of BBC News, E! Entertainment News, The Guardian and ESPN.
The software release also adds features to the Facebook app on Sensia including the most recent newsfeeds, the ability to view photos and to tag status posts with ‘like’ or ‘unlike’. Up to six locations can now be added and viewed when using the weather app and forecasts for both day and night for five consecutive days are available.
Sensia also now supports slideshow for FM RDS stations enabling users to view visual content such as competitions, album artwork or photos when listening to an FM station. The extra slideshow content is delivered via the latest RadioDNS technology (www.radiodns.org) over the user’s Wi-Fi connection. When not connected to Wi-Fi, Sensia also supports broadcast digital radio slideshow.
The software release also adds enhanced user performance and a confirmation prompt when switching Sensia on or off preventing the user inadvertently switching it off.
The RSS reader is the fifth app on Sensia adding to Twitter, Facebook, Picasa and weather and is available now through an automatic software download that is free to the user. For more information, please visit www.pure.com , www.touchmyradio.com.

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