23 settembre 2010

Afghanistan, radioline al posto di bombe

In occasione delle recenti elezioni afghane, Radio Azadi ("libertà") emittente in pashto promossa dall'organizzazione Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty ha organizzato la pacifica distribuzione di armi di "informazione" di massa: ventimila radioline con pannellino solare e alimentazione a manovella sono state regalate alla popolazione di villaggi e campi di rifugiati, proprio nelle aree sotto la copertura delle emittenti FM che diffondono le parole di incitamento dei leader della guerriglia talibana. In queste zone l'analfabetismo raggiunge soglie del 90% per le donne e 60% per gli uomini e la radio è uno strumento fondamentale per poter accedere a quel poco di istruzione, informazione e svago di cui possono disporre gli abitanti. I programmi di Radio Azadi, sostiene RFE/RL possono contribuire a contrastare l'azione propagandistica di "Radio Mullah" offrendo un punto di vista (si spera) più equilibrato. E comunque meno bellicoso.

RFE, Afghan Air Force Deliver Thousands Of Radios To Remote Afghan Villages, Refugee C

September 17, 2010

KABUL, Afghanistan) On the eve of parliamentary elections in Afghanistan, RFE's Radio Azadi -- with the help of the Afghan Air Force and U.S. military -- has launched a new initiative to help Afghans participate in the democratic process by having access to reliable news and information.
At a refugee camp outside Kabul yesterday, Radio Azadi staff began handing out the first of 20,000 solar-powered, hand-cranked radios to Afghans who live in remote places or lack the means to access news and information.
More than 2,000 radios were delivered this week to Afghans in the provinces of Logar, Shamali, Parwan, Kapisa, and Kabul. Over the next few weeks, the Afghan Air Force will distribute the remaining radios via Mi-17 helicopters to isolated villages throughout the rest of the country.
"Many of Afghanistan's displaced persons camps and remote villages have limited electricity," says RFE President Jeffrey Gedmin. "These battery-free radios are similar to the ones distributed in Haiti after the earthquake. Our objective is to ensure that Afghans everywhere have access to the kind of reliable information necessary to make important decisions about their lives."
In the last few years, there has been a proliferation of Taliban-sponsored radio stations in the region, mainly in the tribal areas along the Pakistani border. These stations - commonly called "Mullah Radio" - incite hatred, intolerance, and ethnic violence.
"In Afghanistan, radio equals access," says Matthew Warshaw, the head of D3 Systems, a leading research firm that examines Afghanistan's media environment. "If the international community hopes to have influence on Afghans -- especially in rural areas where the illiteracy rate is 90 percent for women and 60 percent for men -- radio will be a large part of their media strategy."

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