25 maggio 2010

L'EBU discute di reti e produzione broadcast

Ecco il programma del seminario organizzato dall'EBU di Ginevra per il 22 e 23 giugno, per discutere del ruolo delle infrastrutture e delle applicazioni di rete nell'ambito della produzione radiotelevisiva. Per ulteriori dettagli.

22 JUNE: Networks in Action

Welcome, Introduction, objectives of the seminar

New strategies for the Expert Community on Networks and Infrastructures
Lars Jonsson, SR, Sweden and Markus Berg, IRT, Germany Use Case Reports

USING IP FOR MAJOR SPORTS EVENTS Moderated by Markus Berg, IRT, Germany

Winter Olympics via IP: Efficient commentary insertion for outside broadcasts
Julian Cable, BBC, UK

Contribution links: Eurovision file transfer project
Didier Debellemanière, EBU Eurovision, Switzerland

NEW CONTRIBUTION NETWORKS Moderated by Lars Jonsson, SR, Sweden

The new wavelength MUX contribution network of SRG
Ernst Camenzind, SRG-SSR idée Suisse, Switzerland

The new ARD Hybnet: Requirement and Solution
Jochen Geiss, Vodafone, Germany

IP & Newsgathering Vehicles
Geoff Woolf, BBC, UK

Metadata and Ancillary Services Moderated by Chris Chambers BBC

Metadata for news - NewsML-G2 for Eurovision News Exchange
Benoît Sergent, EBU, Switzerland

Transport of metadata for multichannel audio
Gunnar Johansson, SVT, Sweden

Transporting ancillary data in HDTV – how to use network for distributing ancillary data
David Salama, Atos Origin, UK

Standards Development and Update Moderated by Vincenzo Sardella, RAI, Italy

Video over IP (HBRAV) – results and experiences
John Dale III, Media Links, USA

Interoperability guidelines for high bit rate AV streaming
Pierre Costa, ATT Laboratories, USA

Video Contribution over IP - Status of the work of EBU ECN-VCIP
Markus Berg, IRT, Germany

23 JUNE: Networks for the Future

Network-Based Production Architectures Moderated by Anders Nyberg, SVT, Sweden

Storage in a networked production environment
Per Björkman, SVT, Sweden

“where are my files” update
Luc Andries, VRT, Belgium

End-to-end media flow monitoring (IPM)
Yuang-Xing Zheng, BBC, UK

Integrating production systems in a networked environment
Steve Sharman, Mediasmith, UK

IP Security and link protection Moderated by Mathias Coinchon, EBU, Switzerland

BBC experience: softening of corporate boundaries and the impact on Information Security models Andy Leigh, BBC, UK

High Speed Ethernet Link Protection for Contribution Video
Michael Bany, DVBLink, USA

Next Generation Networks and Storage Moderated by Yuan-Xing Zheng, BBC, UK

3D contribution link for the World Soccer championships 2010 Contribution Networks WC 2010
Eckard Grütters, Media Links, USA

Network architecture: time synchronization within the IEEE 802 AVB infrastructure
Michael Johas Teener, Broadcom, USA

Cloud Computing
Martin Buhr, Amazon Web Services, Luxemburg

Storage Challenges from Ingest to Archives
Nick Pearce , Object Matrix, UK

Conclusions by Lars Jonsson

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