17 marzo 2010

A Hilversum, la radio 2.0 si racconta

Domani e venerdì gli amici dell'EBU si riuniscono a Hilversum per Multimedia Meets Radio 2010, organizzato quest'anno al Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (uno degli archivi audiovisivi più imponenti in Europa, con oltre 700mila ore tra tv, radio e cinema). Sul sito della manifestazione sarà possibile seguire in tempo reale l'evento, il più bello e stimolante per la radio 2.0.
Just wanted to say hello to Mike, MMR10's coordinator, and all the participants to this year's event. Have an excellent meeting and thanks in advance for all your discussions!

EBU Members and Associate Members are invited to attend EBU Radio's flagship multiplatform, multimedia event which thanks to Radio Netherlands Worldwide is taking place in one of Europe's most exciting media venues: the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, in Hilversum, on 18th and 19th March 2010.
The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision is an iconic and bold building that dazzles and grabs the imagination of visitors as they approach Hilversum's Media Park. The rainbow coloured edifice was inaugurated by Queen Beatrix at the end of 2006 to keep alive the Netherland's rich and varied contribution to the history of radio and television.
The beacon-like museum is a mash-up of cutting-edge technology, architectural creativity and historic archives. It complements the Media Park, the nerve centre of Dutch broadcasting, which describes itself as the place "where old and new media meet".
There could be no more appropriate epithet or indeed venue for MMR10, which shows how the digital revolution is transforming and reinvigorating the world's first broadcasting medium. MMR, the multiplatform multimedia radio workshop, is the only EBU event that looks at new content, new technologies and new opportunities for interactivity from the point of view of radio.
Special guests from Apple, Audio Boo, CBS Radio and The Guardian, amongst others, will join distinguished speakers from Europe's leading public service media in mini-workshops on social media, widgets and apps, podcasting, streaming and multimedia storytelling. Delegates will have ample opportunity to network with each other and to meet the special guest speakers at a speed dating event.
MMR is an opportunity for learning from the experience of others, for sharing ideas and for forging partnerships. It will highlight many of the challenges and opportunities facing radio today, as well as promoting good practices, stimulating creativity and providing a showcase for original content.

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