14 ottobre 2009

Tecsun PL-310, più marziana che cinese

A giudicare dalla lunga recensione appena apparsa nella sezione "ultraleggeri" del sito specializzato di Colin Newell, DXer.ca, l'ennesimo gioiellino tascabile cinese a tecnologia DSP promette faville per sensibilità e selettività dalle onde lunghe alla modulazione di frequenza. La radiolina ondel lunghe-medie-corte-FM Tecsun PL-310 copre da 150 kHz a circa 22 MHz, più i 64-108 in FM e monta un chip "single on radio" dell'ormai affermata famiglia Silicon Labs 4734. Il chip implementa dei filtri digitali in media frequenza da 1, 2, 3, 4 e 6 kHz, roba che un tempo si vedeva solo nei ricevitori professionali. Certo, non avrà un front end in cemento armato, ma dalle prove descritte riesce a tirar fuori anche difficili radiofari in onde lunghe. Il costo sullo store di Anonco su eBay è di 27 euro più 11 di spedizione.

The Tecsun PL-310 is the latest DSP-enhanced pocket radio produced by China’s premier electronics manufacturer, and was designed to fully utilize all the innovative functions available from the American-designed Silicon Labs’ 4734 DSP chip. A product of the intense competition in the Chinese domestic market, the radio was designed to compete favorably with the Kchibo D96L model, which was introduced in August with very similar features. Because of the economics of the Chinese domestic market, the Tecsun and Kchibo companies have invested heavily in the practical application of the 4734 DSP chip in inexpensive consumer radios, producing models with astonishing capabilities—and very low prices.
The PL-310 was eagerly anticipated by hobbyists desiring a high quality pocket radio with the full range of DSP selectivity choices available from the 4734 DSP chip—1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 kHz filtering options. Such choices were initially offered in the Kchibo D96L model, but with various quirks that made some DXers less than satisfied. In this mini-review, the PL-310 will be extensively compared with the D96L, as well as with the Tecsun PL-300WT (a.k.a. G8), Tecsun’s initial DSP pocket radio model. Such a detailed comparison should enable prospective purchasers to make a decision whether the new PL-310 model will meet their needs.

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