24 ottobre 2009

Co-location di antenne: affitasi tetti e tralicci via Web

E' una notizia interessante in un contesto che tende ormai a privilegiare le infrastrutture condivise, una modalità per cui un elemento infrastrutturale come una rete cablata o, per i sistemi wireless, un tetto o un traliccio su cui montare le antenne, viene gestito da un pool di operatori che riescono così a ottimizzare investimenti, costi di gestione e impatto ambientale. Tecnicamente si parla di co-location. La National Association of Broadcasters americana ha stipulato una convenzione con TowerSource, un "marketplace" online dove i proprietari di un "bene verticale" possono mettere in affitto la loro risorsa e gli operatori affittare uno spazio per le loro antenne. In base alla convenzione NAB-TowerSourcce, le stazioni radio americane potranno usufruire di tariffe particolari per la co-location dei tralicci dove installare i loro impianti di trasmissione e i ripetitori, risparmiando notevolmente rispetto all'uso di strutture di proprietà.

NAB Launches Tower leasing Program

Given the challenges of building new towers and the increasing demand for space atop towers, tower co-location has become a steady source of non-traditional revenue for stations with towers. Tower leasing is in demand and can result in steady, long-term revenue for a station. To help NAB members capitalize on these opportunities, NAB has partnered with TowerSource, the largest and most accurate vertical asset marketplace in the U.S., to offer a new member service facilitating broadcast tower leasing opportunities. If your station owns a tower, this new member service can help turn a valuable vertical asset into a new revenue stream.
TowerSource provides a valuable service by marketing tower leasing opportunities to telecom carriers and other potential customers, and by helping the carriers or the site acquisition specialists to pre-qualify broadcast tower sites. TowerSource helps broadcasters generate non-broadcast revenues, for example, leases from major telecom carriers are capable of generating thousands of dollars per year, for up to 30 years in length with the carrier often funding any additional build-out or equipment requirements.
The new online service is available at nab.towersource.com. TowerSource’s online marketplace currently serves more than 6,000 registered users interested in tower space opportunities for communications equipment. The TowerSource services available to NAB members range from a full turn-key tower leasing solution, including consultancy and the necessary prep work to prepare a tower for tenants, to an asset listing exchange that serves as a national marketing channel for tower owners.
TowerSource's services will allow broadcasters to register their tower assets through the NAB Web site and onto the TowerSource marketplace. TowerSource will also assist members with additional services, such as lease negotiation, tower analysis, surveys, pre-construction and zoning, as needed. This partnership is launching in conjunction with a redesign of the TowerSource marketplace, featuring additional functionality as well as better navigation and user interface.

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