23 aprile 2009

Antenna d'amore

La famosa torre televisiva di Berlino ad Alexanderplatz, uno dei simboli della città, eretta negli anni Sessanta dall'allora Repubblica Democratica Tedesca (e che ancora oggi ospita gli impianti della televisione digitale terrestre), diventa simbolo universale dell'amore. Una squadra specializzata sta rivestendo in questi giorni la gigantesca colonna di oltre trecento metri con grandi manifesti con le dichiarazioni d'amore raccolte su un sito Web di Deutsche Telekom, sponsor dell'iniziativa. Frasi e disegni degli innamorati resteranno visibili fino a fine maggio da molti punti di Berlino e un paio di Webcam permettono di spiare in tempo reale le attività di "affisione". Mentre Flickr ospita una nutrita galleria di foto.
Deutsche Telekom covers Berlin television tower with "longest love message in the world" – Head of Brand Strategy, Chrisitan Schwingen: "We are dressing Berlin up with love"
Apr 15, 2009

The "longest love message in the world" is being created on the Berlin television tower. Deutsche Telekom covers TV tower at Alexanderplatz. From April 14, 2009, industrial climbers will attach love messages, including a marriage proposal, to the shaft of the tower. The love messages were posted by Internet users at www.telekom.de/erleben during Deutsche Telekom’s "Rain of flowers" marketing campaign. A live link on this site will make it possible to follow future assembly work on the tower. If weather conditions are ideal, all cladding work will be finished by April 25, 2009 and the messages will be displayed until the end of May 2009.
"Under the motto 'We are dressing Berlin up with love', Deutsche Telekom is transforming the Berlin TV tower into the 'longest love message in the world'. With its brand promise 'Life is for sharing’, Deutsche Telekom wants to help those who want to share special moments with others," explained Hans-Christian Schwingen, Head of Brand Strategy and Marketing Communication. The dressing up of the Berlin TV tower is a major highlight of the "Rain of flowers" campaign, which is running in Germany and other European countries.
Deutsche Telekom had already transformed the sphere of the tower into the most striking landmark of the FIFA World Cup in 2006. Another sporting highlight will be integrated into the current initiative. The mascot of the upcoming World Championships in Athletics, to take place in Berlin from August 15 to 23, 2009, will be visible in the middle of the tower.

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