03 marzo 2009

Torna al Congresso USA la legge per le FM comunitarie

Il Local Community Radio Act, che darebbe la possibilità di ottenere l'autorizzazione a trasmettere negli USA in FM a bassa potenza senza particolari permessi [in realtà i permessi ci vogliono anche se sono diversi da quelli che una normale stazione FM a piena potenza deve farsi rilasciare: tutte le spiegazioni dettagliate si trovano sul sito di John Anderson, DIY Media], a patto di non superare le soglie dei 100 watt di potenza e di coperture geografiche molto limitate, è ritornata al Congresso americano per una nuova discussione. In precedenza c'erano stati altri tentativi di far passare questa norma, ma tutte le volte la legge si era arenata. Oggi ci sono buone speranze perché Obama era già stato fautore di questa proposta e il "low power FM" gode di un ampio appoggio bipartizan nella attuale legislatura. Ecco un commento di BroadbandCensus. Il testo presentato in quella precedente si trova qui. I sostenitori della proposta dicono che questa potrebbe essere una buona occasione per servire le varie comunità generando nuovi posti di lavoro. Con l'occasione della ripresentazione del progetto di legge, sono venuto a sapere che il Prometheus Radio Project, uno dei principali fautori della normativa, ha aperto un ufficio a Washington, presumibilmente per poter fare un po' di lobbying nel corso della discussione.

Community Radio Movement gets Boost as LPFM Bill is Reintroduced in House
By Jesse Masai, Reporter, BroadbandCensus.com

WASHINGTON, February 26, 2009 - Members of Congress, public interest advocates and community organizations applauded the reintroduction of legislation to authorize a new wave of low power FM radio licenses during a Wednesday conference call organized by public advocacy group Free Press.
Supporters of the Local Community Radio Act say the bill would unleash the potential of low power FM radio to create jobs and serve diverse communities across the United States.
The LCRA would provide a mechanism for licensing approximately 3,000 low power community radio stations. Licensees would be limited to local governments and non-profit entities including educational, religious or labor organizations that serve specific audiences or small markets.
The Federal Communications Commission began to issue Low Power FM licenses in 2000 after an intense lobbying effort. But Congress later placed restrictions on the licenses at the behest of the National Association of Broadcasters, drastically limiting the power levels and spectrum available to LPFM stations.
The LCRA is sponsored by Reps. Mike Doyle, D-Pa., and Lee Terry, R-Neb. The bill would lift current restrictions and allow the FCC to begin issuing new licenses. The Doyle-Terry bill does not yet have a Senate companion.
“It is in everyone’s interest to promote community radio,” Doyle said. Doyle has been negotiating with colleagues to find co-sponsors and hasten the bill’s passage. He said he was confident it would find bipartisan support in the House.
Low power FM stations “are a powerful tool to communicate with and connect people” in small communities, Terry said. He was not sure of a timetable for the bill’s passage, but was confident it would clear the House easily. “I’m not sure when this bill will pass, but am sure it will,” he said.
Cory Fischer-Hoffman of the Prometheus Radio Project, which won a protracted lawsuit against the FCC to block rules allowing newspaper-broadcast cross-ownership, said that “now is the time to clarify public interests” by localizing more media ownership. “As media outlets are increasingly consolidated, local voices are being forced off the airwaves,” she said.
“It’s time for Congress to remove the unfair restrictions that stand in the way of community organizations, religious groups, students and senior citizens getting their own LPFM stations,” Fischer-Hoffman declared. LPFM will give communities access to local programming and important emergency information, she said. “Expanding LPFM is a concrete action that will provide this important service.”
And the national financial crisis has fostered an environment conducive for community radio, said Shawn Campbell of the Chicago Independent Radio Project. “Two of Chicago’s newspapers are in trouble,” he noted. “Community radio might be our last best hope.”
The Local Community Radio Act garnered wide support in the 110th Congress, with nearly 100 co-sponsors in the House. Both President (then senator) Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain., R-Ariz., his opponent in the 2008 election, co-sponsored a companion bill which cleared the Senate Commerce committee by unanimous consent, but did not receive a vote on the Senate floor.

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