19 dicembre 2008

Nasce la IMDA, standard per le Internet radio

E' il segno inconfondibile di una svolta. L'industria della radio e dei suoi componenti comincia a reagire con le iniziative a favore della standardizzazione davanti all'avanzata del fenomeno delle radio che "trasmettono" su Web. Nasce ufficialmente, costituita da un nucleo iniziale di broadcaster e costruttori, la Internet Media Device Alliance. L'obiettivo è promuovere una serie di standard interoperabili capaci di stimolare la nascita di un'industria di apparati per l'accesso ai contenuti del Web, che si sta consolidando ogni giorno di più come "medium" alternativo all'etere terrestre, al satellite e al cavo analogico. La IMDA terrà la sua prima riunione al CES di Las Vegas, la grande fiera dell'elettronica di consumo. Tra i promotori troviamo anche Frontier Silicon (il cui Ceo Anthony Sethill è il coordinatore della IMDA) ma anche Pure e Revo, due costruttori di apparecchi radiofonici DAB. guardare con interesse ai canali diffusivi tradizionali e al centro del loro radar non c'è solo la "radio digitale". Resta da capire se non ci sia unicamente la Web radio... Ricordo molto bene - e l'ho detto qui più volte - che Anthony Sethill in occasione della conferenza EBU sulla radio digitale a Cagliari aveva dato due o tre anni di tempo ai broadcaster: "se in questo lasso di tempo la radio digitale non diventerà una realtà consolidata o comunque promettente, l'interesse di noi costruttori si sposterà verso Internet." Mi sa che che lo spostamento è già bell'e che avvenuto, la radio è sempre più "connected".

Announcing the formation of the world’s first Internet Media Device Alliance
New industry association launching at CES to drive adoption of connected media devices

New York, 19th December 2008: A number of the world’s leading streaming media companies have recently joined together to create a new industry forum called the Internet Media Device Alliance. The IMDA has been formed with the aim of developing and promoting a set of open, interoperable standards and device profiles in order to maximise the growth of a global consumer market in Internet-connected media devices.
“It’s clear that the time has come for companies involved in the market for Internet media devices, first of all Internet radios, to join forces and present a clear message to the consumer about these products and to provide a consistent user experience between products”, states Harry Johnson, Chairman of IMDA.
One of the key activities of the Alliance will be to define a series of end-to-end technical standards, functions and profiles to encourage the development of a wide range of Internet media devices. Other objectives include the promotion of Internet-connected device technology to consumers and retailers both within and outside the IMDA. Membership is open to consumer electronics OEMs, retailers, radio broadcasters, content aggregators, online music service providers, device manufacturers and technology providers.
Nick Piggott, Head of Creative Technology, Global Radio comments, “We’re pleased to support the foundation of an industry body that will foster agreement on technology between manufacturers and broadcasters, whilst still allowing us to consistently deliver a competitive content experience to connected media devices.”
David Baxter, CEO of digital radio manufacturer Revo Technologies Ltd added "As a leading manufacturer of stand-alone internet radio devices, we feel that the formation of the IMDA is recognition of the rise of this important new CE category, as well as reflecting the importance that the internet will play in radio's digital future."
The number of Internet-connected media services is rapidly proliferating, representing a diverse range of offerings including: broadcast radio stations, personalised music services, podcasts, on-demand content and on-demand jukebox services. With so many varied services available, it is becoming increasingly important for consumers to be able to confidently purchase a device that works simply and reliably with their favourite content provider. The IMDA Certification and Logo programme will provide increased confidence to consumers and retailers, and allow manufacturers to clearly and consistently co-market their support for such services.
The nascent membership of the IMDA represents this diverse media eco-system, including representatives from the leading radio broadcasters, music services, technology providers and device manufacturers, bringing an unparalleled breadth and depth of expertise to the new body. In addition to the process of standardising the technology base, the IMDA plans to bring consistency to the marketing of internet connected devices, increasing consumer awareness, understanding and willingness to purchase.
The inaugural General Assembly Meeting of the IMDA will be held on 9 January 2009 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas during CES. Opening at 08:00, the meeting will outline to the Internet media industry IMDA’s mission, objectives, organisational structure, and membership benefits. At the end of the meeting there will be an opportunity for all interested parties to join the Alliance.

Further information is available at www.IMDAlliance.org

The unanimous decision to form the Internet Media Device Alliance was taken at the Internet Radio Summit in 2008, which was hosted by the BBC in London. The IMDA steering committee consists of the following members:
  • Harry Johnson – vTuner
  • John Ousby – BBC
  • Anthony Sethill – Frontier Silicon
  • Colin Crawford – PURE
  • Nick Piggott – Global Radio
  • Ben Terrell – Reciva
  • Olivier Carmona – AwoX
  • Oliver Depardon – Orange (France Telecom)
  • Stephan Noethen – TerraTec
  • Todd Beals - Audiovox

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