24 ottobre 2008

A Monaco tre lunghe giornate mediatiche

Dal 29 al 31 ottobre si tengono a Monaco di Baviera le giornate di Medientage München 2008. Ho estratto per voi il calendario dei convegni dedicati alla radio. A seguire il comunicato stampa di Ibiquity che presenterà ancora una volta i vantaggi del sistema HD Radio. La fiera sembra molto interessante, è incentrata quest'anno sui temi dell'economia, della pubblicità.

Radio im Web:
Übungsfeld für neue Programme oder Hörfunk-Plattform der Zukunft?
29.10.2008, 14:00 Uhr | Panel 8.1 | Raum 05, EG | Hörfunk
Bayerische Landeszentrale für neue Medien (BLM)

Neuer Start – neues Glück mit Digitalradio
Chance für die Programmvielfalt im Hörfunk?
29.10.2008, 16:00 Uhr | Panel 8.2 | Raum 11, 1.OG | Hörfunk
Bayerische Landeszentrale für neue Medien (BLM)

Radio-Summit - Routenplaner 2012:
Personalisierung, Interaktivität, Konvergenz - neue wirksame Wege zu Hörer und Kunden
30.10.2008, 10:00 Uhr | Panel 8.3 | Raum 05, EG | Hörfunk

Radio goes Community – Chancen und Risiken der Social Networks on Air
30.10.2008, 14:00 Uhr | Panel 8.4 | Raum 04, EG | Hörfunk
Bayerische Landeszentrale für neue Medien (BLM)

Radio der Zukunft – visuell, individuell und stets dabei?
Chancen und Perspektiven mobiler Plattformen für den Hörfunk
30.10.2008, 16:00 Uhr | Panel 8.5 | Raum 13 a, 1.OG | Hörfunk
Bayerische Landeszentrale für neue Medien (BLM)

Denn sie wissen, was sie tun?
Trimediale Jugendangebote auf dem Prüfstand
31.10.2008, 10:00 Uhr | Panel 8.6 | Raum 04, EG | Hörfunk
Bayerischer Rundfunk

Radio on the Road:
Welche Rolle spielt der Hörfunk künftig in der „Multimedia-Plattform“ Auto?
31.10.2008, 14:00 Uhr | Panel 8.7 | Raum 12, 1.OG | Hörfunk
Bayerische Landeszentrale für neue Medien (BLM)



Visit the HD Radio Stand in Area F

Munich, Germany – 29 October 2008 – iBiquity Digital Corporation, the developer of digital HD Radio technology for AM and FM audio and data broadcasting, and the European HD Radio Alliance (EHDRA) announced today they will demonstrate the HD Radio system at MEDIENTAGE MÜNCHEN 2008 in Munich, Germany. MEDIENTAGE MÜNCHEN began as a platform for the pioneers of private broadcasting but has evolved into Europe’s major media conference meeting of its kind over the past few years.
“HD Radio broadcasting is a very good opportunity for regional radio stations to take their first step into digitalization,” said Jürg Bachmann, head of digital projects for Goldbach Media Management and Chairman of the European HD Radio Alliance. “iBiquity Digital’s participation at MEDIENTAGE MÜNCHEN will allow European broadcasters to see the benefits that HD Radio technology has to offer broadcasters around the world.”
“MEDIENTAGE MÜNCHEN 2008 is an excellent opportunity for us to discuss HD Radio technology with a growing number of interested broadcasters and regulators in Germany and the surrounding regions,” said Hal Kneller, Director, International Broadcasting Business Development, iBiquity Digital Corporation. “The successful testing of the HD Radio system early this year on 102.8 Radio Regenbogen in Heidelberg proves that the technology is a viable and affordable choice for digital radio in Europe.”
The ITU (International Telecommunications Union) recognized HD Radio technology as Digital System C (Recommendation ITU-R BS.1114) and the AM HD Radio system as IBOC DSB system below 30 MHz (Recommendation ITU-R BS.1514), giving world-wide credibility to these systems from a regulatory standpoint. In the U.S., where there are already over 1,800 HD Radio stations on the air, the HD Radio system is the only technology approved by the Federal Communications Commission for digital AM and FM broadcasting. HD Radio adoption continues to grow worldwide. Systems are operating in more than 10 countries and over 50 stations around the globe.

About iBiquity Digital
iBiquity Digital Corporation is the developer of the digital HD Radio™ system, which is fueling the digital radio revolution in the United States and around the world. Over 1,800 HD Radio AM and FM stations are on the air in the United States, with over 900 new HD2/HD3 multicast channels.
There are more than 80 HD Radio products for sale at over 14,000 stores and online. HD Radio technology has also made great inroads in the automotive sector with factory-installed options announced by BMW, Ford, Hyundai, Jaguar, Lincoln, Mercedes, MINI, Mercury, Scion, and Volvo. Beyond the U.S., commercial implementation of HD Radio technology is gaining momentum around the world.

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