27 agosto 2008

UK, UTV interessata al marchio Virgin Radio

Secondo il Times UTV, il gruppo nordirlandese proprietario della franchise TalkSport, network britannico di cronache e giornalismo sportivo che opera in onde medie, annuncia conti economici molto positivi e afferma di essere fortemente interessato a riattivare il marchio Virgin Radio, che a fine anno smetterà di esistere dopo la vendita del precedente proprietario, SMG, a un editore indiano. A quanto sembra ancora non ci sono stati contatti tra John McCann, Ceo di UTV e Sir Richard Branson.
August 26, 2008
UTV to discuss return of Virgin Radio
Amanda Andrews

John McCann, the chief executive of TalkSport-owner UTV, will talk to Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Group about joining forces to bring back the Virgin Radio brand when it disappears later this year.
Mr McCann, who failed to win Virgin Radio in the recent auction for the former SMG assets, said that the TalkSport and Virgin Radio brands would sit particularly well together.
The Virgin Radio assets, which were sold earlier this year without the Virgin brand, are set to be renamed in the next month by new owner Times of India.
“If Virgin Group wants to speak to us about doing something with the Virgin Radio brand, we’d be very interested. It is a strong brand and we would not have bought the Virgin Radio assets without it,” said Mr McCann. He signalled that UTV would be keen to get involved in the expected relaunch, although would not provide further detail.
UTV, the owner of ITV’s Northern Ireland franchise, said pre-tax profit rose by 12 per cent year on year to £10.4 million, as strong growth in radio offset a 4 per cent fall in television advertising.
The Belfast-based group saw revenue increase 8 per cent in the first half of 2008.

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