20 agosto 2008

La NASA chiede idee per le comunicazioni lunari

La NASA intende stabilire una prima presenza stabile sulla luna già nel 2013, in previsione di una base ancora più estesa a partire dal 2020. In preparazione di questo ambizioso percorso di pacifica (si spera) conquista, l'ente spaziale americano pubbica una request for information rivolta alla comunità scientifica e alle aziende private, invitando tutti a sottoporre nuove idee e concetti per assicurare alle future missioni la necessaria infrastruttura di "communication and navigation". Voce, dati, connettività e geolocalizzazione per la luna. Potete scaricare il pdf con il testo di presentazione e una dettagliata descrizione della Lunar CN Architecture all'indirizzo NASA Space Communications, una miniera di informazioni sulle comunicazioni spaziali.


WASHINGTON -- NASA issued a Request for Information, or RFI, on Monday to gauge interest and solicit ideas from private companies in providing communications and navigation services that would support the development of exploration, scientific and commercial capabilities on the moon over the next 25 years.
NASA plans to establish science stations on the lunar surface beginning as early as 2013, followed by the return of humans to the moon and establishment of the first lunar outpost in 2020. Communications, networking and navigation capabilities required to support these efforts will be provided by NASA, other national space agencies, private industry or some combination thereof.
The services for which NASA seeks information in this RFI are communications, networking, and position, navigation and timing. The information requested is for planning purposes only as this RFI is one step of a larger study that will culminate in a final NASA report addressing strategies for the commercial co-development of lunar communications and navigation.
Communication and navigation services may include, but are not limited to, terrestrial network services, terrestrial ground stations, Earth-orbiting capabilities, lunar orbiting capabilities, and lunar surface capabilities. They may be complete "turn-key" services, subsystems or components; partial solutions such as applications for specific functions; or other capabilities believed to be necessary to
meet a portion of anticipated needs.

To view the Request for Information, visit:

For more information about NASA's exploration program, visit:

For more information about NASA's science missions, visit:

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