05 luglio 2008

La European-African MW Guide si rinnova

Radicale restyling per la versione in PDF (a pagamento, ma sono solo 5 euro, mentre la consultazione online resta gratuita) di EMWG, la guida con tutte le stazioni in onde medie d'Europa, Africa e Medio Oriente, curata da Herman Boel. Le novità di questo repertorio prezioso per il DXer e il semplice ascoltatore delle onde medie serali, vengono riassunte così dal suo autore. In particolare voglio far notare l'aggiunta delle coordinate geografiche dei trasmettitori e la possibilità di emettere copie personalizzate con la distanza di ciascuna entry dalla postazione di chi ascolta.

* The PDF is more and more personalised towards the user (or purchaser). At this moment, there are two language editions (English and Flemish/Dutch), which have all pages in their own language except for the frequency and address list - these will always remain in English. A few other languages are being prepared.

* When you order the PDF version, please send me an e-mail with your coordinates (preferably in degrees and minutes). Your PDF version will then tell you the distance in kilometers between your home location and nearly all stations in the list.
As a courtesy to loyal customers, all people who have ordered the double edition (one copy immediately and one extra updated copy within 12 months) and who are yet to request their second copy, will also receive this second copy in the new format.

* The core of the EMWG (frequency and address list) is no longer made in OpenOffice/Word but is now in worksheet format (Excel). This allows for future opportunities.
For now, the EMWG is not yet available in Excel format, but it is a distinct possibility I may consider.

* Due to all these changes the amount of pages had decreased dramatically, from 136 to 112 pages.

* Other additions, such as the azimuth between home location and transmitter, are under review.

* Will the price be raised? No! As the EMWG is and has always been a labour of love, the very modest fee of 5 euro (or 8 euro for a double edition) is maintained. This fee helps, among other things, in maintaining the web site

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