04 luglio 2008

HD Radio Alliance investe 57 milioni in spot radiofonici

La HD Radio Alliance spenderà 57 milioni di dollari in 13 settimane per una campagna di spot radiofonici mirati a sensibilizzare gli ascoltatori sui vantaggi della radio digitale. Agli spot è associata una tecnologia di marketing di 3CInteractive che consente a chi ascolta lo spot di inviare un SMS per stabilire una relazione diretta tra investitore pubblicitario e destinatario del messaggio.
Tutto bellissimo, ma secondo me la HD Radio alliance farebbe un affare migliore investendo 57 milioni per acquistare 600mila apparecchi digitali e regalandoli. La base di apparecchi installati raddoppierebbe di colpo. Certo che in questo modo i 57 milioni finiscono nelle casse delle stazioni radio che hanno investito in sistemi digitali che forse non hanno dato il risultato sperato.

3Cinteractive Driving HD Digital Radio Growth

Mobile marketing company 3Cinteractive has announced its decision to power a consumer awareness campaign for the HD Digital Radio Alliance. The campaign is expected to accelerate consumer adoption of HD Radio. A text messaging call to action has been arranged by HD Radio in over 50% of all its radio ads playing across the nation. The 3Ci mobile messaging platform will create real-time, measurable conversations with consumers, getting the audience to send a particular text message. “By establishing a direct, instant relationship with consumers who show an interest in HD Radio, we are activating a whole new category of catalysts,” explained Peter Ferrara, president and CEO of the HD Digital Radio Alliance.
The marketing campaign runs for 13 weeks and amounts to $57 million. The radio ads will be running across over 700 stations covering 100 markets. Up to 65% of the radio ads ask the listener to text a message to a fixed number. The rest of the ads invite the audience to visit HD Radio’s corporate Web site. “The addition of mobile marketing and direct texting conversations with consumers, will take our ‘It’s Time to Upgrade’ message to a new level,” announced Diane Warren, executive vice president of the HD Digital Radio Alliance. “We are delighted to be working with 3Cinteractive to combine the frequency and reach of radio advertising with the information sharing and relationship building mobile marketing provides.”
Mobile media authority m: metrics commented that the mobile advertising market has been maturing over the last year, making it a critical component for any interactive campaign. The company asserts that “mobile” has evolved into a legitimate medium and cites major brands such as Coca-Cola and Procter & Gamble, who have each invested large sums of money into this medium to create a one-to-one relationship with consumers. “The importance of creating an instant, two-way relevant mobile conversation between people and brands or media is absolute. This promotion enables HD Radio to engage, activate, and raise consumer awareness that will ultimately increase acquisition and retention,” said 3Ci’s chairman David Ross.
3Cinteractive has its headquarters in Boca Raton, Florida. It works to power interactive conversations between brands and as many as 260 million mobile consumers in the U.S. The company provides mobile marketing creative services, SMS text messaging, custom application development, campaign and compliance management, content delivery, and IVR integration.

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