22 giugno 2008

Integrata e interoperabile, la radio militare per Frost & Sullivan

La società di analisi di mercato Frost & Sullivan, di solito molto seria e attendibile, ha pubblicato un report sullo stato dell'arte delle radiocomunicazioni per la difesa e i vantaggi di una integrazione ancora più estesa con le nuove tecnologie. Mi sembra interessante notare come F&S punti molto sugli aspetti della interoperabilità e sullo sviluppo di piattaforme multistandard. Ovviamente, al centro di tutto ci sono le tecnologie della radio definita via software e della radio cognitiva.

Radio Communications for Aerospace & Defense Industry must Enable Interoperability

Date Published: 17 Jun 2008

Palo Alto, Calif. – June 17, 2008 – Defense organizations have ramped up their research and development (R&D) efforts in radio communications as they aim to equip their forces with the latest tactical radios. This has ushered in an era of advanced tactical radios capable of real-time voice, data, image, and video transfers with higher data rates. These sophisticated gadgets also possess software-defined modules that aid interoperability and increase connectivity.
New analysis from Frost & Sullivan (http://www.technicalinsights.frost.com), Advances in Radio Communications for Aerospace and Defense, finds that legacy high frequency/very high frequency (HF/VHF) radios continue to find increasing utility value through integration with emerging technologies.
If you are interested in an analysis, which provides manufacturers, end users, and other industry participants with an overview, summary, challenges, and latest coverage of the advances in radio communications for the aerospace and defense industry, send an e-mail to Sara Villarruel, Corporate Communications, at sara (dot) villarruel (at) frost (dot) com, with your full name, company name, title, telephone number, company e-mail address, company website, city, state and country. Upon receipt of the above information, an overview will be sent to you by e-mail.
"These radios are beginning to incorporate cognitive characteristics, such as spectrum-awareness, thereby expanding their capabilities," notes Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Anirudh S. Srinivasan. "Such developments have enabled several superior air-to-ground data services, fortified soldiers with excellent communication capabilities and spawned the use of communications as a weapon."
Meanwhile, the rise in the number of global military coalition operations has created a need for interoperability among incompatible radio communication systems from different countries. Legacy communication systems that use diverse protocols and incompatible waveforms have often impeded efficient communication in critical times. Therefore, a robust communication infrastructure is vital for the timely dissemination of critical data to all mobile units.
"Integration of legacy radio systems with emerging technologies such as software-defined radio, cognitive radio, and the latest communication security protocols will be the defining trend of the future," says Srinivasan. "Radio manufacturers need to investigate and expand R&D efforts to ensure better multi-band, multimode operations for addressing interoperability issues."
R&D is paramount since interoperability has emerged as a key purchase decision for tactical radios. The strong need for interoperability and spectrum management has helped the industry sustain its growth momentum as well as sharpened its focus on product innovation.
A strong commitment to R&D efforts keeps the radio communications industry afloat despite its channel interference and miniaturization challenges. In fact, scientists have already achieved a measure of success by using cognitive radios to mitigate interference. Researchers will likely address the miniaturization of radios by employing carbon nano-tubes and nanoelectronics.
The United States remains at the forefront of R&D as well as manufacturing of the most advanced tactical radios. Europe, especially the United Kingdom, follows close behind, with the rest of the world relying heavily on these countries for their tactical radio procurements.
"Advancements in software-defined and cognitive radios will likely change the face of tactical radio communications in the coming decades," explains Frost & Sullivan Senior Research Analyst Arun Nirmal. "Continued technological advancements in radio communications provide significant potential for growth in the aerospace and defense industries."
Advances in Radio Communications for Aerospace and Defense is a part of the Technical Insights subscription. The study covers key technological developments in the field of radio communications that drive applications in aerospace and defense. These include software-defined radios, cognitive radios, multiband radios, and digital encryption - specifically over-the-air-rekeying (OTAR). Additionally, this research service includes detailed technology analysis and industry trends evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants. Interviews with the press are available.
Technical Insights is an international technology analysis business that produces a variety of technical news alerts, newsletters, and research services.

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