28 giugno 2008

Cameroun, lasciate che i giovani lavorino alla radio

Nella regione nordoccidentale del Cameroun, racconta il giornale Post Online, spuntano come funghi le stazioni radiofoniche e televisive (alcune anche via cavo) private, molte delle quali, dice il governo operano senza licenza. Troppe spese e troppe tasse, replicano i proprietari. Che però chiedono di poter continuare a trasmettere per dare un'opportunità a tanti giovani collaboratori.

Ten Radio, TV Stations Operating Illegally In Northwest

By Chris Mbunwe

Northwest Communication Delegate, Mary Maimo Mah, has identified eight radio stations, two television stations and four cable distributors as operating illegally in the Northwest.

Apart from Afrique Nouvelle FM, Christian Gospel and Foundation Radios that have temporary authorisations to operate, the rest have been operating in illegality, The Post learnt.
Presenting the situation of private audio-visual media houses in the Northwest to Governor Abaka Ahamat recently, the Northwest Communication Boss appealed to the managers of illegal radio and TV stations to comply or face the wrath of the Minister.
Those operating without authorization include; Abakwa FM Radio, Hot Cocoa Radio, Donga Mantung Community Radio, DMCR, CBC Radio, Presbyterian and Catholic thematic radio services, Full Gospel Radio, Mbengwi Community Radio, Republican Television Network, RTN, and Cameroon National Television, CNTV.
Maimo said these audio-visual media houses carryout indiscriminate, erroneous adverts and disregard calls from the departments against the promotion of fake drugs and schools operating illegally.
Also, four illegal distribution networks also identified are: AEA, A.A SAT, MOSAIC communication Network and Excel communication Ltd.Northwest Governor Abaka Ahamat, in his intervention said the illegal audio-visual houses have enjoyed enough illegally and should sit up.
As frontline critics, he appealed to the managers of such media houses to first clean their houses by paying taxes to the State and be in possession of required documents. "The fact that the State has given you this long rope to draw should not be considered as a weakness. Remember, government machinery grinds slowly but very surely."
On the part, the managers of the illegal radio houses decried the high taxes and the heavy amount to be paid before being granted an authorisation. They appealed to the Sate to reduce the huge sums involved so that they continue to operate. They said closing down the radio and television stations will create more unemployment problems, thus sending youths to the streets.

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