17 aprile 2008

Sex and rock'n'roll nell'etere FM di Manila

Cambiano i gusti del pubblico anche nell'area metropolitana di Manila, Filippine. E la banda FM si adegua con nuovi format, soprattutto musicali. Lo racconta questo divertente articolo dell'Inquirer, che cita tra i programmi di maggior successo Talk to Papa (dillo a papà), un phone in di consigli ai giovani trasmesso da Barangay LS (ex Campus Radio), i cui argomenti di natura sessuale hanno già spinto l'episcopato cattolico della capitale a protestare.

Race for top FM radio station intensifies

By Pocholo Concepcion
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 04/15/2008

MANILA, Philippines—Fierce competition and an obsession with ratings have driven Metro Manila’s FM radio stations to revamp their programming.
For the past several years, a number of these stations have been changing their names - “branding” in marketing parlance - to go with the format shift.
The former jazz station City Lite is now Jam 88.3, which plays acoustic pop-rock. DMZ (Dance Music Zone) has mutated into Wave 89.1, which champions R&B.
KY 91.5, which played classic rock in the late ’80s, has become Energy, a pop and oldies station. The easy-listening, no-DJ, Crossover-sound-alike that was Joey 92.3 first became xFM, which experimented with club music, then settled down with smooth jazz. KC 93.9 is now i-FM but still plays the same mainstream pop. K-Lite 103.5, which used to play alternative rock, switched to easy listening and called itself Heart, and then diverted to contemporary pop as Max FM. And what used to be the eclectic pop sound of Kool 106 has been altered into a jazz-flavored adult contemporary mix now known as Dream FM.

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