08 aprile 2008

Se il radiospot diventa "misurabile"

Sul sito di Strategic Media si trovano molte considerazioni interessanti sulla pubblicità radiofonica e la sua efficacia. L'autore del blog Radio Advertising Blog, Jeff Small, ha appena pubblicato un volume intitolato Direct Response Radio, sulla pubblicità "misurabile". Nei vari articoli che si possono leggere online si parla ovviamente di interazione tra radio, analogica e digitale, e Internet.

Strategic Media, Inc Releases 'The Current Radio Landscape And What It Means For Direct Response Radio Advertisers' Article On Radio Advertising

The radio industry is in the midst of many short and long term developments. It's important for radio advertisers to understand what's happening within the industry and how to respond to these developments, so they can leverage the power of the radio to win new customers.

Portland, ME (PRWEB) April 8, 2008 -- The radio industry, not known for changing much, is now in the midst of many short term and long term developments. "For radio advertisers, it's important to understand what's happening and how it might impact businesses that leverage the power of radio to win new customers" says Jeff Small, CEO strategic media of Strategic Media, Inc. "What's key is seeing the big picture and understanding how these developments will play out" Mr. Small is a direct response advertising industry veteran with over a decade of experience in direct response radio advertising. He is the CEO of Strategic Media, Inc., a direct response radio advertising agency. Mr. Small is also co-author of this latest report "The Current Radio Landscape".
In this new report, Mr. Small and co-author Brett Astor bring to light the many developments now unfolding in the radio advertising space. Breaking these developments down into shorter term and longer term impacts helps readers understand better how to respond to these developments. "It's common to either over-react to, or completely ignore, what's happening around us. We counsel people against either of these extremes." says Mr. Small.
For radio advertisers, it's important to understand what's happening and how it might impact businesses that leverage the power of radio to win new customers
Beyond highlighting the developments, Mr. Small and Mr. Astor offer their veteran perspectives on how the developments unfolding in the radio industry might impact radio advertisers. "Short term vs. long term and positive verses negative, these are the basic ways to conceptualize what's happening. From there it's possible to determine the best way to respond to and prepare for the implications of these developments." Says Jeff Small, CEO of Strategic Media, Inc. and one of the pioneers from the early days of direct response radio advertising.
Strategic Media, Inc. is a full data direct response radio advertising agency with over a decade of experience building large radio advertising campaigns that deliver profitable new customers. Strategic Media Inc provides a full suite of direct response radio advertising agency offerings including radio advertising strategy, radio commercial development, radio media buying, and media profitability management. Jeff Small, CEO and Brett Astor, Vice President both contribute to the direct response radio industry's first blog, The Radio Sage Radio Advertising Blog, located at http://strategicmediainc.com/radio-advertising-blog, where they also share their views on the latest news and trends in direct response radio advertising.
Other articles from Strategic Media, Inc.:
Integrating DRTV and DR Radio: Clearer Understanding for Greater Profit
After the Phone Rings: 4 Tips for Maximizing Direct Response Radio Advertising Profits
The Top Ten Keys To Creating Great Radio Ads
To view the entire Strategic Media, Inc. article library, go to:

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