21 marzo 2008

Se la ionosfera suona il rock

A quanto sembra - mi scrive oggi Fabrizio Stratocaster Magrone, del quale ignoravo completamente il côté metallaro - la mega postazione di ionosonde del progetto HAARP ha ispirato anche una band rockettara pomp/prog (chiedo lumi a Christian, credo l'unico al mondo che possa capirci qualcosa): i Muse.
Il trio di musicisti inglesi, che alle mie grezze orecchie di ascoltatore di strimpellanti clavicembali sembrano riecheggiare in chiave post-modern la preistoria dei Who o dei Pink Floyds, ha eseguito l'anno scorso una performance live a Wembley che oggi esce in edizione DVD. Il titolo, per l'appunto, è H.A.A.R.P.
Questa è la notizia che Fabrizio ha tratto da The Dreaded Press, ma se cercate Muse su YouTube troverete plettri per le vostre "air guitar" Fender.

Muse announce HAARP - live DVD of Wembley gigs
March 3rd, 2008

Muse - HAARPDevon pomp-prog rockers Muse have an enviable reputation as a spectacular live act, playing two nights at Wembley last year at a surprisingly early stage in their career.
For those of us who missed out on tickets, the forthcoming DVD HAARP promises to deliver the best of Muse’s Wembley performances directly into the comfort of our living rooms when it is released on 17th March.
The audio disc will hold live recordings from the Saturday night show, while the video component of HAARP will feature footage of the entire Sunday set, with Muse playing the following tracks:

1. Knights of Cydonia
2. Hysteria
3. Supermassive Black Hole
4. Map of the Problematique
5. Butterflies and Hurricanes
6. Hoodoo
7. Apocalypse
8. Feeling Good
9. Invincible
10. Starlight
11. Time is Running Out
12. New Born
13. Soldier’s Poem
14. Unintended
15. Blackout
16. Plug In Baby
17. Stockholm Syndrome
18. Take A Bow

Look out for trailers from the DVD to come in the next few weeks, and a review of HAARP here on The Dreaded Press as soon as we get our mitts on a copy.
In the meantime, there’s plenty of stuff to look at on the Muse website, and music to be listened to on their MySpace page … and if you were wondering what the hell that weird title means, you might be interested to read about the real H.A.A.R.P. too.

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