15 marzo 2008

OFCOM, all'asta le licenze sui 1452-1492 MHz

Alla fine di aprile l'OFCOM indirà l'asta per i futuri servizi di tv mobile e radio satellitare in banda L (1452-1492 MHz) in Gran Bretagna.

Ofcom confirms plans to release spectrum suitable for mobile television

Ofcom today confirmed details of plans to auction radio spectrum suitable for a range of services, including mobile television and satellite radio.
Ofcom also announced that the provisional deadline for applications is 10 April 2008, with the online auction likely to start at the end of April.
A number of possible uses of the 1452 - 1492 MHz band, the so-called “L-Band”, have been identified including:
mobile multimedia services including mobile TV which could be deployed using a variety of technologies;
satellite digital radio; and
broadband wireless access or high-speed internet on the move.
The release of the spectrum in the 1452 - 1492 MHz band is part of a wider programme to release around 400 MHz of prime spectrum. Other awards in this programme include the digital dividend - the spectrum that will be freed-up through the switch to digital television - and the 2.6 GHz band.
The spectrum, which is available over much of Europe, will be released on a technology and service neutral basis, allowing users the flexibility to decide what technology to use, what services to offer and to change their use of the spectrum over time. All licences will be tradable.
Ofcom’s Spectrum Policy Partner, Philip Rutnam said: “ Ofcom’s fifth award of spectrum in the L-Band is part of the process of ensuring that the UK’s valuable spectrum resource is used as efficiently as possible. This spectrum provides an opportunity for citizens and consumers to benefit from new services and greater competition.”
Il materiale di corredo che trovate sul sito è molto interessante, specie i due che riguardano le osservazioni sui servizi di banda L e le attività OFCOM correlate e l'altro sui meccanismi d'asta e le formule che determineranno i prezzi delle licenze (solo per chi mastica, e parecchio, di matematica: al terzo simbolo di sommatoria io sono andato in confusione) "Notes on determination of licence fees payable by bidders in relation to the award of the 1452 to 1492 MHz spectrum band: Schedule 6 to the Wireless Telegraphy (Licence Award) Regulations 2008"

1 commento:

  1. Ho partecipato sulla lista del BDXC britannico a una discussione sulla faccenda dell'asta OFCOM e ho chiesto come si regoleranno gli inglesi con la suddivisione - adottata anche qui in Italia - della L Band tra servizi DAB terrestri e satellitari. Questa è la risposta di Mike Barraclough:

    The upper 12.5MHz (1479.5-1492MHz)has been designated at a European level for possible use for satellite digital audio broadcasting services. However, the UK has not signed this decision and as a result there is no commitment on Ofcom's part to "reserve" the band for S-DAB use. Again, alternative uses of this spectrum can be deployed in the UK but based on the coordination agreement; users would be required not to cause interference with European satellite services and similarly would not receive protection from them.

    The Maastricht 2002 Plan is very restrictive about the levels of
    interference that can be caused to S-DAB users in the upper 12.5MHz of the L-Band. This renders the use of other services in this part of the band problematic.

    The use of T-DAB, DMB and DVB-H (in the upper L Band) is unlikely to be viable. The upper part of the L-Band is better suited to UMSS TDD
    (mobile broadband) and WiMax services.

    The consultation process drew repsonses from Worldspace, InMarSat, Alcatel and ESAPREG.

    They have done a quite detailed international interference analysis
    available at the link below:

