11 marzo 2008

La bestia nella radio

Brutta sorpresa per Amit Ben-Zvi - cittadino israeliano, consulente per i viaggi delle scuole liceali in Polonia e figlio di un sopravvissuto della Shoah - al ritorno da un viaggio a Vienna dove aveva acquistato una vecchia radio al mercatino delle pulci. Aprendo l'apparecchio sono saltate fuori tre spille ornate con la svastica, probabilmente appartenute a un ex ufficiale che le aveva nascoste dopo la guerra per evitare di incorrere nelle sanzioni che in Germania punivano il possesso di simboli nazisti. Il fatto che le tre spille siano d'oro e d'argento non attenua la sensazione di orrore che Amit deve aver provato per un istante.

Swastikas hidden in radio purchased by son of Holocaust survivors

Old radio bought in Vienna, Austria contained Nazi pins hidden inside

Israel Moshkovitz
03.11.08, 12:40 / Israel Jewish Scene

A chilling experience for the son of Holocaust survivors: Amit Ben-Zvi, 37, discovered three Nazi officer swastika pins hidden inside a 70-year-old antique radio he purchased in Austria.
A former head of the Menahemiya town council and a counselor for high school trips to Poland, Ben-Zvi recently set off on a private trip to Vienna. As he's in the habit of doing, he searched for antiques at the local flea market during his stay there. He noticed an old radio in one the booths he visited and decided to buy it.
When he arrived back home in Israel, he took the radio apart and was pretty amazed with what he found.
From inside the radio, three Nazi pins – one of them silver and the other two gold – fell out from the device. "I picked the pins up with a trembling hand and took them to show my mother, a Holocaust survivor," he recounted.
It is unclear exactly how the pins got there. One idea is that the radio belonged to a Nazi officer and once Germany surrendered, he hid his pins in the device because possession of Nazi items was forbidden by law.

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