06 febbraio 2008

Yes, we can. La casa nella prateria con Obama

Bruno Vespa ha sciolto le camere e indetto la campagna elettorale. Wow. Un suggerimento: non provate nemmeno a navigare nei siti spagnoli (elezioni a marzo, vescovi permettendo), non osate neppure pensare di digitare barackobama.com. Siamo prigionieri di un incubo e vedere quel che succede là fuori può solo farci male. Ma se proprio non riuscite a resistere alla tentazione, il podcast di Garrison Keillor, autore del più bel programma radiofonico americano, vi commuoverà. "Non dobbiamo trascorrere la prossima estate a parlare di quel che è successo negli anni novanta, è roba del passato,» afferma Keillor nel suo breve intervento, invocando per tutti i democratici americani un fruttuoso ritorno al futuro e riferendosi a Obama come a un visionario "che sa parlare con grazia e forza". Ad alcuni la grazia e la forza, ad altri... Mi viene da piangere, scusate.

Garrison Keillor endorses Obama for president
Associated Press February 3, 2008

ST. PAUL, Minn. - Garrison Keillor, host of public radio's "A Prairie Home Companion," has endorsed Democratic Sen. Barack Obama for president, Obama's campaign announced Sunday.
"I'm happy to support your candidacy, which is so full of promise for our country," the best-selling author and humorist wrote in a letter declaring his support. "Seven years of a failed presidency is a depressing thing, and the country is pressing for a change and looking for someone with clear vision who is determined to break through the rhetorical logjam and find sensible ways to move our country forward. That's you, friend."
Obama's campaign provided excerpts of the letter; Minnesota holds its caucuses on Super Tuesday.
In the letter, Keillor, whose books are set in the fictional town of Lake Wobegon, said seeing Obama and his family in front of the U.S. Capitol next January is a happy prospect that would "bring an end to a long sour chapter in our history."
"And of course it will be exciting to have a president who can speak with grace and power to the American people," Keillor wrote.
Obama addressed a crowd of nearly 20,000 at the Target Center in downtown Minneapolis on Saturday. A poll by Minnesota Public Radio and the Humphrey Institute released last week showed slightly behind rival Hillary Rodham Clinton, 40 percent to 33 percent.
"I've been entertained and inspired by Garrison Keillor's work through the years," Obama said in a statement. "As president, I will wake up every day thinking about how I can help make life better in places like Lake Wobegon all across the country."

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