16 febbraio 2008

UK: la tassa sulla radio "di straforo"

Il Financial Times torna sulla questione della tassa musicale che la SIAE britannica, la Performing Rights Society, sta chiedendo alle aziende che diffondono le note della radio sul posto di lavoro. Grande la perplessità degli imprenditori: è come se un non potesse più passare il giornale a un amico dopo averlo comprato, dice uno degli intervistati.

Discord over radio music fee

By Jonathan Moules

Published: February 15 2008

The Performing Rights Society (PRS) has been accused of using “aggressive” tactics to get small business owners that play radios in the workplace to buy a licence for the music. The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) said it has received more than 100 complaints from members across its national network and has agreed to meet the PRS to discuss the issue. David Frost, BCC director- general, said: “Businesses are confused because it is not clear what the remit of the PRS is, how the fee structure has been devised and who the PRS is accountable to.
Companies that have music playing in the workplace are required under the 1988 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act to get permission from those whose music they are playing. The PRS licence grants companies the legal right to play songs for a minimum payment of £83.08 a year. However, bills can run into several hundred pounds for businesses where several people are in earshot of the music.
O’Neill’s Decorating Centres, a chain of three DIY shops in the north west of England, employing 20 people, received a letter from the PRS asking for payment. Patrick O’Neill, the owner, said his initial thought was he had been targeted by fraudsters trying to get money from him. “It is a whole nonsense,” he said. “It is like buying the paper and not being able to hand it over to your mate when you have finished with it.”

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