09 febbraio 2008

Il Chad torna on air

Il saccheggio degli studi di Radio N'djamena non ha impedito al governo di ripristinare le operazioni nei giorni successivi. I 4905 kHz sarebbero tornati on air, anche se con qualche irregolarità. Da Medianetwork:
Chadian state radio and TV have resumed broadcasting, following a break in operations after rebels stormed the capital Ndjamena on 2 February.Hobbyists, who had been listening carefully for shortwave transmissions from Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne (RNT, also known as Radio Tchad), reported on enthusiasts’ websites that erratic broadcasts were heard on 6 February, and more consistent output monitored the following day. The transmissions are being heard on the usual shortwave frequency of 4905 kHz. Radio France Internationale (RFI) noted on 8 February that Radio Tchad was also broadcasting locally in Ndjamena on its usual frequency of 98.05 FM. It said that alternative studios were now being used, after the station’s former premises were looted and burnt during the recent fighting. The French news agency AFP on 7 February said Radio Tchad was now being hosted in the offices of a private radio station inside Ndjamena’s grand mosque. AFP had reported on 5 February that national television returned to the air that day.
(Source: BBC Monitoring research 6-7 Feb 08)

Secondo Jari Savolainen e altri, inoltre, la frequenza di 6165 kHz, utilizzata nelle ore pomeridiane prima del passaggio a 4905, sarebbe stata spostata. Ora la frequenza annunciata è di 7120 kHz:

7 February 2008 at 1900 R Chad had a frequency announcement on 4905 kHz. I noted they announced one 41 mb frequency, but couldn't make out what it was. Jean-Michel Aubier in France had a listen to the audio file and he says:
"Not easy to unsterstand with their african accent! The man announces 7120 kHz in the morning and 4905 kHz in the evening + 94.5 MHz in N'Djamena No precise schedule given."
So, 6165 was changed to 7120.

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