06 gennaio 2008

In sintonia con la user generated radio. Senza PC

Non faccio in tempo a parlare di Blog Talk Radio, piattaforma per la creazione di talk radio/podcast personalizzati, che Reciva, l'azienda inglese che sviluppa una delle tecnologie su cui si basano gran parte dei modelli di Internet Radio commercializzati attualmente, annuncia un accordo che conferma il grande successo dei media do it yourself. Al CES di Las Vegas Reciva presenta la nuova generazione di dispositivi Internet Radio. Saranno in grado di accedere in rete sia agli stream delle stazioni radio convenzionali, sia ai "canali" realizzati dagli utenti di Blog Talk Radio e organizzati in oltre 60 categorie tematiche. Dopo che il successo del Web logging ha messo ormai sullo stesso piano i migliori blog e i migliori quotidiani, è davvero arrivato il momento della user generated radio? A conti fatti, Reciva ritiene di poter mettere a disposizione degli utenti del suo stream server qualcosa come 40 mila nuovi show, che si aggiungono alle migliaia di stazioni radio diffuse via Internet in diversi formati.

BlogTalkRadio Programming to Be Added to Reciva Internet Enabled Radios

Reciva Users To Access Tens of Thousands of Shows Across More Than 60 Content Categories Including Politics, Sports, Business, Comedy, Music, Lifestyle and Entertainment

2008 International CES

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--BlogTalkRadio (www.blogtalkradio.com), the Internet’s first live social talk radio network for citizen broadcasters, and Reciva Limited, the global leader in Internet radio technology (www.reciva.com) have struck a partnership to bring BlogTalkRadio’s programming to users of Reciva-powered Internet Radios and networked devices. Products from more than 30 Consumer Electronics brands stand to gain access to Blogtalkradio’s unique service.
Reciva-powered radios allow users easy and convenient access to thousands of live radio stations from across the world without the need for a PC. Finding content is as easy as turning the dial on your old transistor set. Except that now, turning the dial doesn’t mean tuning into specific radio frequencies: instead, web addresses for specific online radio stations or archived radio programs are being accessed. The radio call sign or program name is shown on a little display, just like on an AM/FM radio.
The partnership with BlogTalkradio will open up more then 40,000 BlogTalkradio shows. BlogTalkRadio offers both live and archived talk radio shows across more than 60 content categories. BlogTalkRadio’s citizen broadcasters regularly host some of the hottest names in politics, sports, business, lifestyle and entertainment including Brian De Palma, presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Barack Obama, Oliver Stone, All Star David Wright, Jennifer Hudson, Dr. Mehmet Oz, New York Times columnist Frank Rich, Meg Tilly and Arianna Huffington, just to name a few.
Commenting on the deal, Alan Levy, CEO and co-founder of BlogTalkRadio stated, “This partnership allows BlogTalkRadio to transcend the online space, enabling listeners to enjoy our growing slate of quality citizen broadcast programming, without being tethered to a computer – further establishing BlogTalkRadio as the radio network of the 21st Century. With our increased reach to Reciva listeners, BlogTalkRadio’s content will be even more attractive to strategic partners and advertisers.“
“This partnership with BlogTalkRadio is exciting for us, and exciting for our customers,” said Andrew Rhomberg, director of business development and strategy at Reciva. Explaining further, Rhomberg continued: “Their service is unique in that users can participate not only as interactive listeners, but also as hosts and show moderators. We aim to offer the most comprehensive platform of audio services, both live and on-demand, to our partners and users and the addition of BlogTalkRadio is a major step towards this goal.”
Visitors to the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas will be able to enjoy a sneak preview before the service goes live on Reciva powered Internet radios in a few weeks.

About BlogTalkRadio

Originally launched in August 2006, BlogTalkRadio (BTR) is a free, web-based platform which allows any user with a phone and a computer to host a live, interactive radio show. Hosts call into the service by phone, managing callers on the web-based host dashboard. Shows stream live directly from the host’s BTR webpage. Since the company’s 2006 launch, thousands of hosts have broadcast more than 44,000 shows on BTR. Notable hosts include Marla Cilley, the FlyLady home and life organizer; Doug Christie, former NBA player; and the LAFD. BTR relaunched a new site with updated features in September, 2007 at http://www.blogtalkradio.com.

About Reciva

Reciva is the global market leader in Internet radio technology.
Reciva’s GATEPASS™ platform, which is at the heart of all Reciva enabled Internet radios, provides internet radio services via the Reciva Gateway. Reciva-enabled Internet radio devices can play back online radio in almost every format including MP3, Microsoft® Windows Media Player, RealAudio® Player, AAC (the format of iTunes), Ogg Vorbis and many others. Reciva’s technology is available as a software license or in the form of the “Barracuda”, “Stingray” or “Mako” hardware modules, providing consumer electronics (CE) companies and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) with a turnkey solution.
Reciva’s Gateway technology delivers regularly updated and verified Internet radio station lists to its internet radio products, allowing listeners to access many thousands of live online radio broadcasts without the need for a PC.
The Reciva Radio Portal, www.reciva.com, enables listeners to access the same stations via their PC. They can build customised station lists and access subscription based music services to play via their Reciva enabled radio.
Reciva is a privately held company based in Cambridge, UK.

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