28 dicembre 2007

Singapore, vado a Singapore

Channel News Asia annuncia che MediaCorp, conglomerata di 13 stazioni radio di Singapore, comincerà a trasmettere 24 ore al giorno su tutti i suoi canali a partire dal 2008. MediaCorp gestisce anche Radio Singapore International e anche diversi canali locali vengono ritrasmessi in onde corte su frequenze dei 49 e 41 metri. Tutte o quasi sono molto regolari qui in Europa, specialmente nei pomeriggi autunnali e invernali e di notte durante tutto l'anno. Non so se anche la programmazione sulle onde corte verrà prolungata (se lo sarà, gli orari non ci riguarderanno molto dal punto di vista propagativo e per noi le cose non cambieranno) ma intanto approfitto per inserire qui due tabelle con tutte le frequenze oggi attive.

Sleepless in Singapore?

MediaCorp Radio has news for you: There is now something to look forward to in the wee hours of the morning.

Come Tuesday, its 13 stations will broadcast 24 hours a day, seven days a week. At present only eight stations broadcast 24/7. The new additions will be Chinese station Capital 95.8FM, Malay station Ria 89.7FM, classical music station Symphony 92.4FM, the news channel 938Live and the international channel 96.3FM.
DJs man the decks from 6 am until 2 am. However, the late slots — from 2 am until 6 am — will not feature live DJ commentaries, but a pre-recorded selection of songs. In the case of 938Live, some programmes featured earlier in the day will be re-broadcast.
Many listeners are welcoming this move.
"Why not? Some of the stations already broadcast till late, they might as well extend a few more hours," said National Serviceman Tan Weiye, 20.
"I wouldn't mind 938Live broadcasting 24/7, because sometimes I can't catch whatever programmes they broadcast in the day. I can listen to them if they repeat some of the day's programmes at night. I don't have to wait until the weekend for re-broadcasts."
Retiree Stephen Seow, 67, who counts Bach and Stravinsky among his favourite classical composers, said: "I'm old and sometimes I sleep late and want to listen to the radio. It's soothing to hear classical music to help me relax." In a recent AC Nielsen survey of the top 10 highest-rated radio stations in Singapore, nine of the stations belonged to MediaCorp.
From its inception as a single radio station in 1936, MediaCorp Radio has grown to become the largest radio network in Singapore, and also operates a Digital Radio service. Said Zakiah Halim, its vice-president of Malay, Indian and Community Programming: "We recognise the growing demand to provide quality and engaging radio entertainment to our listeners all day long.
"'Sleepless in the city' just got more vibrant and exciting with radio. You can turn us on anytime … and that's got to be music to your ears!" - TODAY/ar

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