27 dicembre 2007

She embraced the Shahadat...

Non sono riuscito a sintonizzarmi sul notiziario di Radio Pakistan alle 16 UTC, ho provato a utilizzare un ricevitore controllato su Web ma temo di essere arrivato troppo tardi. O forse Radio Pakistan non è andata in onda. Questi sono gli orari dei programmi in inglese ascoltabili in Europa:

7.30 - 8.30: 15100, 17835 kHz
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Un buon reference (non so quanto aggiornato) sulle trasmissioni via Internet per i vari gruppi di linguistici e geografici è quello curato dalla librearia online specializzata Multilingual Books. BBC e altri broadcaster hanno un coverage esteso in queste drammatiche ore del dopo-attentato. Benazir Bhutto, leader e candidato dell'opposizione pakistana, da due mesi rientrata dal suo esilio in Dubai, è stata colpita dai proiettili sparati da un kamikaze che si è fatto saltare in aria immediatamente dopo.
In questo momento sto ascoltando le telefonate che arrivano a Pakcelona Radio, le voci della comunità pakistana di Barcellona sono desolate, nervose, rassegnate.
Questo il comunicato ufficiale apparso pochi secondi fa sul sito di Radio Pakistan. La formula utilizzata è: "andata incontro al martirio". Già. Purché non si sia trattato di andare incontro a una possibile rielezione. [Il notiziario delle 21 locali disponibile ora sul sito di Radio Pakistan in formato Real, http://www.radio.gov.pk/db/news/2100.rm, si basa sulla lettura del testo che vedete qui di seguito, ma contiene diverse altre notizie sulle reazioni del governo e di altri funzionari.]

We announce with great sorrow and grief that the PPP Chairperson Benazir Bhutto embraced Shahadat in a suicide attack in Rawalpindi this evening.

After addressing a public meeting at Liaquat Bagh in Rawalpindi, while she was going back a suicide bomber struck her vehicle in which she was critically injured. The bomber is reported to have first resorted to firing on her vehicle before blowing himself up.
She was rushed to Rawalpindi General Hospital where she succumbed to her injuries.
According to party sources she received critical injuries on her neck and face.
Reports say twenty two other people were also killed and several more injured.
Interior Ministry spokesman Javed Iqbal Cheema has said that foolproof security arrangements were made inside the venue of the public meeting. Walk through gates were erected and jammers installed to prevent any untoward incident. He said the tragedy occurred when she left the venue and was on Gordon College Road.
President Pervez Musharraf and Caretaker Prime Minister Muhammadmian Soomro have condemned the dastardly act of terrorism.
They appealed to the people to remain calm and peaceful and foil the designs of the terrorists on this tragic occasion.
Benazir Bhutto was born on 21st June 1953 in Karachi.
She received education at Harvard and Oxford Universities and later studied at Oxford in Foreign Service.
She got married with Asif Ali Zardari in December 1987 and left behind three children Bilawal, Bakhtawar and Asifa.
She became active in politics after her father late Prime Minister of Pakistan Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was ousted from office in 1977 and later executed.
Benazir Bhutto was elected as first woman Prime Minister of Pakistan and Islamic world after elections in November 1988. Her Government was dismissed in August 1990.
She again came to power after her party won a majority in elections held in October 1993. Her government was again dismissed in November 1996.
Benazir Bhutto went into exile in 1998 and returned home on 18th of October this year. While she was leading a big welcome procession in Karachi on her return home, there were blasts in her caravan at Karsaz resulting in more than 150 casualties.
In her last public address at Liaquat Bagh this afternoon, Benazir Bhutto referred to the menace of terrorism and threats by some foreign powers to intervene and said we are capable to take care of our ourselves. She had vowed to save the country through the help of masses. She said she returned to Pakistan at the risk of her life to put the country on the road to progress, peace and democracy.
Benazir Bhutto said Quaid-e-Azam founded Pakistan through people's power, her father saved the country and now the homeland was again calling and she would provide the leadership.

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