22 dicembre 2007

BBC World (tv) celebra BBC World Service

In occasione del 75esimo anniverario del World Service. la BBC celebra l'evento con tre documentari in onda sul canale satellitare BBC World. Ecco il programma completo con gli orari delle repliche (segnalazione di Fabrizio di Technosoc):

Winners And Losers
This opening episode shadows three BBC World Service characters

In Russia, Afghanistan and Britain London Calling follows the fortunes of three very different characters in the World Service at a time of great upheaval.

Showing Saturday 22nd December at 0810 GMT with repeats at 1410, 2010, 0110, and Sunday on 0810 and 2010 GMT

The Battle For Truth
London Calling explores impartiality

London Calling follows journalists from the BBC’s Arabic Service as they cover the 2006 conflict between Israel and Lebanese political and military group Hezbollah, while striving to remain impartial.

Showing on BBC World on Saturday 22nd December at 1010 GMT. Repeating at 1610, 0210 and 1210.

Changing Faces
This final episode explores the issue of popularity versus integrity

The BBC World Service in Africa faces competition from emerging media. London Calling explores whether it can remain popular without compromising journalistic integrity.

Showing on BBC World at 1210 on Saturday 22nd December, repeating at Sunday 23rd at 1010 and 1710, and 0210 on Monday 24th December.

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