25 settembre 2007

Prix Italia: Radio e Tv, un futuro sul Web?

A Verona, al Palazzo della Gran Guardia è in pieno svolgimento in questi giorni il Prix Italia, prestigioso concorso internazionale bandito dalla RAI per la programmazione radiotelevisiva (e Web) di qualità. E il sottoscritto domani cercherà di dare il suo modesto contributo moderando il seguente dibattito. Se qualcuno passa da quelle parti...

Thursday 27 September 2007 h 15:30 -17:30 Palazzo della Gran Guardia, Meeting Room


Being active and effective in communication using the Internet’s full potential, having the possibility to produce one’s own contents, being able to choose what audio and video material to offer free to other users, managing individually or in groups every type of information and digital contribution independent of the person who produces it or the site on which it is generated, taking material simultaneously from different sites and re-distributing it to one’s own site to serve new purposes, in short: collectively sharing, distributing and elaborating – are these the features of the near future of the entire field of communication? The new vision of the Internet (known as Web 2.0) is born out of the mix of new data transmission technologies, innovative ways of working and interacting with online information, new approaches and unexpected uses of sounds and images. To what extent are these new visions and successful new models already changing radio and television as we have known them? To what extent can the logic of one media be transferred to others? The guest experts respond to these questions, analysing concrete examples and solutions…

Andrea Lawendel, Journalist and Media expert, Italy


• Jenny Abramsky, Director of Radio, BBC, United Kingdom
• José Correia, Head Internet e Multimedia, ARTE, France
• Raina Konstantinova, Director of Radio Department, European Broadcasting Union
• Marco Nuzzo, Rai Net, Italy

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