02 luglio 2007

Lucerna, in ottobre il secondo HD Radio day

L'amico Mark Ruoss, il consulente radiofonico svizzero che ha organizzato nel suo Paese, a Lucerna, la prima sperimentazione ufficiale della tecnologia digitale HD Radio mi invia la traduzione inglese (meno male) del comunicato tedesco di quattro giorni fa. Prepariamoci ad assistere, il prossimo ottobre, a una nuova giornata di prova del sistema IBOC grazie a un'automobile sponsorizzata da BMW e attrezzata con ricevitori in grado di far apprezzare, sul campo, le differenze di comportamento di HD Radio, DAB e FM analogico. L'annuncio dell'iniziativa lo trovate sul comunicato ma per le conferme e i dettagli bisognerà aspettare agosto. Le date previste per questa seconda giornata aperta alla stampa e agli operatori, che dovrebbe tenersi presso l'Hotel Radisson SAS, sul lungolago, sono il 4 e 5 ottobre prossimi.

HD Radio: field trials with multi-platform test vehicle
Rotkreuz, 2 July 2007

The future of radio is digital. Looking ahead, experts agree that not just one, but several digital broadcasting systems will be in operation. So the initiators of the HD Radio field trial in Switzerland are currently testing a BMW car equipped to receive HD Radio as well as DAB and regular FM broadcasts.

HD Radio goes mobile

Thanks to a new sponsor, BMW, interested groups can hear for themselves the benefits of digital radio reception in a 7-series BMW car fitted out not only with DAB, but HD Radio as well. The HD Radio signals are broadcast from an existing transmitter located in central Switzerland, and they deliver surprisingly good results under difficult frequency and topographical conditions.

Good progress in digital radio trials with regional radio stations

A widespread HD Radio field trial got underway in Switzerland in March 2006. It is now entering a second phase, which will include starting up an HD Radio translator for the Lucerne region. Initiator of the Swiss field trial is Markus Ruoss, who is upbeat about developments: “A lively stream of HD Radio ‘tourists’ has been visiting central Switzerland ever since the start of HD radio broadcasts from Lucerne in June 2006. Various equipment manufacturers, mainly suppliers to the automotive industry, come to Switzerland and test their HD Radio sets here. Government and industry association representatives from neighbouring countries likewise make the journey to learn how HD Radio works under laboratory and field conditions.”

The march of digital radio in Europe

Europe is witnessing a clear turnaround where radio’s going-digital is concerned. Many quarters now appreciate that there are economic reasons why local and regional broadcasters require a different digital solution from their national counterparts: DAB+ for region-wide broadcasting in a given language, and digitised FM (HD Radio) for local/regional programmes. Next to HD Radio, two other options (DRM+ und FMExtra) are currently under test as “digital upgrades” to established FM technology.

Second international HD Radio Days in Lucerne

The second HD Radio Days are taking place in Lucerne (Hotel Radisson SAS Lakefront) on 4 and 5 October 2007. The event will include a presentation of the final report on the HD Radio field trial. A variety of test vehicles will be on hand, so participants can drive around and test the benefits of HD Radio technology for themselves. Separate workshops will demonstrate a frequency assignment simulation, plus a wide selection of receiving equipment. A detailed event programme and registration terms will be posted in August on www.hd-radio.ch.

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