29 maggio 2007

E Sony disse: HD Radio sia

Secondo Reuters, ripresa da CNet, Sony avrebbe annunciato il suo impegno nel mercato americano di HD Radio. Per l'estate è previsto un primo ricevitore da tavolo e una car radio. Non occorre aggiungere che un marchio di questo peso potrebbe davvero spostare il piatto della bilancia a favore di una tecnologia che fatica parecchio a decollare e a farsi spazio in un panorama tecnologico e mentale affollatissimo di proposte digitali, radiofoniche e no.

Sony joins HD radio push
By Reuters
Story last modified Tue May 29 06:18:11 PDT 2007

Sony said Tuesday it will begin selling HD digital radios, making the Japanese electronics maker one of the largest manufacturers to back the fledgling technology.
Sony said it will start shipping in July a tabletop radio and a model for cars, kicking off what it calls a long-term commitment to offering a range of HD radio-enabled products over the next several years.
HD radio lets traditional radio stations broadcast multiple new digital channels. The service is free, but consumers must buy a compatible radio.

U.S. radio operators are working to promote HD radio at a time when consumers are already faced with many digital music options, such as Apple's iPod, other MP3 players and satellite radio. The industry has pledged to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on marketing through the HD Digital Radio Alliance.
Sony said its table top XDR-S3HD radio will be available in July for about $200, and its XT-100HD car tuner will be available in the same month for about $100.



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