09 gennaio 2006

Sassi sul digitale - 4

Secondo gli analisti di mercato di In-Stat, nel 2009 si venderanno 22 milioni di apparecchi radiofonici digitali, tra satellite e terrestre. La società di ricerche ha pubblicato uno studio (valore: 3.500 dollari e rotti) sulle prospettive della radio digitale e i presupposti di partenza, in particolare il successo commerciale delle due reti satellitari americane, Sirius e Xm Radio, sono ottimistici. In-Stat cita anche i dati Ibiquity per lo standard Hd Radio (sempre più controverso tra i DXer delle onde medie), secondo cui nel 2005 il numeri di emittenti Am e Fm che hanno adotatto il sistema ibrido, digitale-analogico Iboc è triplicato, passando da circa 200 a 624. Ibiquity non cita però le stazioni che secondo gli appassionati dei due principali club di ascoltatori di onde medie locali, Irca e Nrc, hanno poi deciso di spegnere la portante radio digitale, che resta virtualmente inascoltata per la scarsità di ricevitori compatibili (a qualche modello di autoradio). Ecco il testo del comunicato stampa In-Stat con il link diretto allo studio menzionato.

Digital Radio Unit Shipments to Top 22 Million by 2009

Worldwide, the combined market of both digital satellite and terrestrial radio will grow from approximately 5 million unit shipments in 2004 to 22 million unit shipments in 2009, reports In-Stat. The primary drivers for this growth will be new and compelling content, data services, price erosion for digital radio receivers, and digital radio provider partnerships with new car manufacturers, the high-tech market research firm says.

“In the US, satellite radio is driving the digital radio market,” says Stephanie Guza, In-Stat analyst. “In other markets, most notably in the UK, terrestrial digital audio broadcasting is driving it. The launch of Digital Multimedia Broadcast (DMB) services in Japan and Korea, along with increased promotional activity in Singapore, Australia and Taiwan over the next year, will drive digital radio shipments in Asia.”

A recent report by In-Stat found the following:
• Roughly 600 US AM and FM stations will broadcast in HD Radio technology by the end of 2005.
• The two US satellite radio providers have reported significant subscriber numbers; XM is on track to report over 6 million subscribers by the end of 2005, while Sirius will reach over 3 million subscribers.
• Commercial-free radio ranks as the top reason for purchasing a satellite radio, with 54% of surveyed satellite radio owners citing it.

The report, Digital Radio: Turning Up the Volume on Satellite and Terrestrial Radio Adoption (#IN0502133ID), covers the worldwide digital radio market. It includes analysis of major international digital radio markets, forecasts for US satellite radio subscribers, and for digital radio units sold worldwide through 2009, segmented by region. It also contains the results of an In-Stat survey of US consumers on digital radio, along with profiles of digital radio IC vendors.


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